Release calendar

UK small area gross value added estimates

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31/01/2024 09:30Released2021
Late summer 2024Provisional2022

Datasets updated with this calendar

  • UK small area gross value added estimates
    Gross value added (GVA) is the value generated by any economic unit that produces good and services. It reflects the value of goods and services produced, less the cost of any inputs used up in that production process. These experimental statistics are available at lower-layer super output area (England and Wales), data zone (Scotland) and super output area (Northern Ireland) levels.

Related datasets

These datasets are also in the Regional Accounts group, but have their own release calendar.

  • Regional gross disposable household income (GDHI) at current basic prices
    Gross disposable household income (GDHI) is the amount of money that all of the individuals in the household sector have available for spending or saving after income distribution measures (for example, taxes, social contributions and benefits) have taken effect. GDHI is a concept which is seen to reflect the 'material welfare' of the household sector.