This series was discontinued in 2012. Data in this section was supplied by the Department for Work and Pensions and provided information about vacancies notified by employers to Jobcentre Plus.

vacancies - notified by industry

a monthly count of vacancies notified to employment service job centres broken down classified at the 1992 standard industrial classification (SIC92) division and higher levels.

vacancies - notified by occupation

a monthly count of vacancies notified to employment service job centres broken down classified at the 2000 standard occupational classification (SOC2000) unit and higher levels.

vacancies - outflow by duration and industry

There is no description for this dataset.

vacancies - outflow by duration and occupation

There is no description for this dataset.

vacancies - seasonally adjusted series

an analysis of seasonally adjusted jobcentre inflows, outflows and placings during the previous accounting period together with the stock of vacancies remaining unfilled on the count date

vacancies - summary analysis

a monthly count of standard plus self-employed vacancies notified to jobcentres during the previous accounting month and a stock count of unfilled vacancies on the count date.

vacancies - summary analysis

There is no description for this dataset.

vacancies - unfilled by duration and industry

There is no description for this dataset.

vacancies - unfilled by duration and occupation

There is no description for this dataset.

vacancies by industry

a quarterly count of vacancies notified to employment service job centres broken down classified at the 1992 standard industrial classification (SIC92) category and broad industry group levels

vacancies by industry with duration analysis

a quarterly analysis of jobcentre vacancies analysed by 1992 standard industrial classification (SIC92) division and higher levels.

vacancies by occupation

a count of vacancies notified to jobcentres during each accounting quarter analysed by standard occupational classification (SOC) major groups

vacancies by occupation - SOC 2000

a count of vacancies notified to jobcentres during each accounting quarter analysed by standard occupational classification 2000 (SOC2000) major groups

vacancies by occupation with duration analysis

a quarterly analysis of vacancies notified to employment service jobcentres analysed by 1990 standard occupational classification occupation unit groups. information is available on the average time taken to fill vacancies, the average time for which unfilled vacancies have been on the books, and the breakdowns by full/part-time and standard/self-employed jobs.