Digital release of the final stage of the 1961 Census Small Area Statistics
This year has seen the release of the 1961 Small Area Statistics (SAS) as part of the work of the ONS to make more historic census outputs available digitally. The Census Historical Data Support (CHDS) team released the first set of 100% sample tables as a beta in January, and the 10% sample tables in April.
The final stage of the 1961 SAS beta release, the remaining 100% sample tables, is now available. All are available here.
Request for data
Digitisation of historical records is made possible by the availability of original source material. If you are aware of any physical or scanned census related data and meta-data held within your organisation, please get in touch with the Census Historical Research team. We are particularly interested in data related to lower levels of geography, such as enumeration district or any meta-data related to maps and boundaries.
We would like your feedback
The beta nature of the 1961 SAS is to ask for your feedback. Your feedback will be used to inform improvements to the usability and accessibility of digitised historical outputs, not only for the 1961 SAS data, but also the future 'statistical archaeology' projects in the pipeline.
We're looking for feedback on all aspects of the data and meta-data, including the digitised geographical boundaries available on the ONS Open Geography Portal.
Please send feedback related to this release to the Census Historical Research team.