Initial ONS response to Web Dissemination Strategy Proposal

Thank you to the many of you who responded regarding the ONS Web Data Dissemination Strategy Proposal.

Firstly, I would like to give some clarification of the current position regarding Nomis and the ONS Data Explorer.  The ONS Data Explorer as described in the proposal is not a product that currently exists with the likelihood to imminently replace Nomis.  The ONS is currently producing a Data Explorer, which will initially appear in a very simplistic form as part of the new ONS website in August.  This will then be further developed into a more sophisticated product for the release of Census results.

What this work has given us is a clearer understanding of the data people use that it would not be possible to satisfy through a Data Explorer as outlined in this proposal.  Also it has given us a clearer idea of the uses that people then make of that data and the differences that those uses make in the real world.

This information will help to inform decisions with regard to the positioning of Nomis and the ONS Data Explorer within the long-term ONS Web Data Dissemination Strategy plans.  These are still decisions that need to be made by ONS alongside their general work priorities and budgetary planning.

Meanwhile, we will also be using this information to help us plan our future developments for Nomis.  We hope that our improved understanding of users needs will mean that we can give priority to further develop the datasets and functionality which matters most to them.  To this end I may follow up on some of your responses for further information and clarification in future.

I will look to provide further feedback once I have had a chance to dissect the mass of responses received.  I will also keep users informed of any decisions made with regard to the future of Nomis, when such things become clear.

Again, thank you for your help in this matter.

Bob Watson
SNLM, Labour Market