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A survey of employees in employment providing detailed employment counts for local areas down to ward level. Up to 1993 the survey was known as the Census of Employment, from 1995 the survey became annual and was renamed the Annual Employment Survey (AES). Breakdowns are available by male/female, full/part-time and 1992 standard industrial classification (SIC) codes down to class level.Explore in depth
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sex (9 categories)
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industry (837 categories)
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- 0100 : DEFRA/Scottish Executive Agricultural Data
<p>Code 01.00 contains estimates of farm-based jobs supplied from the DEFRA/Scottish Executive Census of Agriculture. This farm-based jobs data has several important features which distinguish it from the rest of the ABI data:</p> <ul> <li> <p><b>No SIC breakdown.</b> The Defra/SE figures are not coded by SIC, so a special class is used (0100). Care is required when interpreting data for SIC division 01 – Agriculture, hunting and forestry – at class (four digit) level as the figures for classes 0111 onwards do not include agriculture jobs on farms.</p> </li> <li> <p><b>Limited geographies</b>. Defra/SE only provide data for local authority areas, regions and countries. In the case of two-tier local authority areas, data are only provided at district level not at county level. Employee jobs figures for all other geographies (wards, TTWAs, constituencies) do not include Defra/SE agriculture data. In Nomis output, figures that do not include Defra/SE data are flagged with an asterisk and the following warning displayed at the bottom of the table: <br> "<em>These figures are aggregates from which agriculture class 0100 (SIC92) have been excluded.</em>"</p> </li> <li> <p><b>Suppression</b>. The data provided by Defra/SE includes a total jobs figure with breakdowns by male full-/part-time and female full-/part-time for each area. At local authority level two or more of these may be suppressed to ensure the data are not disclosive. Where the Defra/SE element of a figure output from Nomis is suppressed, the figure will be flagged with an asterisk. A further problem arises because the data passed to ONS are already suppressed so data for upper-tier county council areas cannot always be derived. Consequently, Defra/SE data are not available for the geography "local authorities: county / unitary".</p> </li> <li> <p><b>ABI workplace analysis.</b> The Defra/SE data does not contain information on the size of holdings (data units), so cannot be included in the workplace analysis. Employment totals from the ABI employee analysis that include Defra/SE data will, therefore, not match those from the ABI workplace analysis. The following message is shown at the bottom of workplace analysis output to indicate this:<br> "<em>This data set excludes Defra/SE agriculture data (SIC92 class 0100)</em>"</p> </li> <li> <p><b>Scotland from 2000</b>. Agriculture data for areas in Scotland from 2000 are discontinuous with earlier years. From the June 2000 agriculture census, the data incorporated into ABI include 'minor' as well as 'major' holdings. Scottish Executive may provide additional guidance, if necessary.</p> </li> </ul>
- 0111 : Growing of cereals and other crops nec
<p>This class includes:<br>- growing of cereal grains: hard and soft wheat, rye, barley, oats, maize, etc.<br>- growing of potatoes<br>- growing of sugar beet<br>- growing of oil seeds: soya, colza, etc.<br>- production of sugar beet seeds and forage plant seeds (including grasses)<br>- growing of hop cones, roots and tubers with a high starch or inulin content<br>- growing of diverse textile plants; retting of plants bearing vegetable fibres<br>- growing of dried leguminous vegetables such as field peas and beans<br>- growing of plants used chiefly in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes<br>- growing of crops not elsewhere classified<br><br>This class excludes:<br>- production of flower and vegetable seeds cf. 01.12<br>- growing of sweet corn cf. 01.12<br>- growing of other vegetables cf. 01.12<br>- growing of melons cf. 01.12<br>- growing of horticultural specialities cf. 01.12<br>- growing of flowers cf. 01.12<br>- growing of nuts cf. 01.13/9<br>- growing of spice crops cf. 01.13/9<br>- gathering of forest products and other wild growing material cf. 02.01<br>- growing of vegetable materials used for plaiting cf. 02.01<br></p>
- 0112 : Growing of vegetables etc
<br>This class includes:<br>- growing of vegetables: tomatoes, melons, onions, cabbages, lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, beans, cress, sweet corn, courgettes, egg-plants, leeks<br>- growing of seasoning herbs and vegetables: capers, peppers, fennel, parsley, chervil, tarragon, sweet marjoram<br>- growing of mushrooms and gathering of forest mushrooms<br>- growing of flowers<br>- production of seeds for flowers, fruit or vegetables<br>- growing of plants for planting or ornamental purposes, including turf for transplanting <p>This class excludes:<br>- growing of oil seeds cf. 01.11<br>- growing of vegetable textile materials cf. 01.11<br>- growing of potatoes cf. 01.11<br>- growing of roots and tubers with a high starch or inulin content cf. 01.11<br>- growing of sugar beets cf. 01.11<br>- growing of spice crops cf. 01.13/9<br>- growing of Christmas trees cf. 02.01<br>- operation of forest tree nurseries cf. 02.01<br></p>
- 0113 : Growing of fruit/nuts/beverage & spices
- 0121 : Farming of cattle, dairy farming
<br>This class includes:<br>- farming of cattle<br>- production of raw cow milk <p>This class excludes:<br>- animal boarding and care cf. 01.42/1<br>- processing of milk cf. 15.51<br></p>
- 0122 : Farming of sheep/goats/horses/asses etc
<br>This class includes:<br>- farming and breeding of horses, asses, mules or hinnies<br>- farming of sheep and goats<br>- production of raw wool<br>- production of raw sheep or goat milk</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- sheep shearing on a fee or contract basis cf. 01.42/9<br>- production of pulled wool cf. 15.11/3<br>- operation of racing stables and riding academies cf. 92.62/9<br></p>
- 0123 : Farming of swine
- 0124 : Farming of poultry
<br>This class includes:<br>- raising of poultry<br>- production of eggs</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- farming of other birds cf. 01.25<br>- production of feathers or down cf. 15.12<br></p>
- 0125 : Other farming of animals
<p>This class includes:<br>- bee keeping and production of honey and beeswax<br>- raising of rabbits<br>- breeding of pet animals<br>- raising of fur animals, production of raw furskins<br>- raising of silk worms, production of silk worm cocoons<br>- raising of diverse animals</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- animal boarding and care cf. 01.42/1<br>- production of hides and skins originating from hunting and trapping cf. 01.50<br>- training of dogs for security reasons cf. 74.60/2<br>- training of pet animals cf. 92.72</p>
- 0130 : Growing of crops and farming of animals
<p>This class includes:<br>- crop growing in combination with farming of livestock at mixed activity units with a specialisation ratio in either one of less than 66% of standard gross margins</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- mixed cropping or mixed livestock units cf. their main activity<br><br></p>
- 0141 : Agricultural service activities
<p>This class includes:<br>- agricultural activities on a fee or contract basis:<br>. preparation of fields<br>. establishing a crop<br>. treatment of crops<br>. crop spraying including by air<br>. trimming of fruit trees and vines<br>. thinning of beets<br>. harvesting and preparation of crops for primary markets i.e. cleaning, trimming, grading, decorticating, retting, cooling or bulk packaging<br>. pest control (including rabbits) in connection with agriculture<br>- operation of irrigation systems<br>- laying out, planting and maintenance of gardens, parks and green areas for sport installations and the like</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- tree pruning and hedge trimming<br>- renting of agricultural machinery and equipment with operator</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- preparation of vegetable fibres cf. 17.1<br>- marketing activities of commission merchants and co-operative associations cf. 51<br>- activities of agronomists and agricultural economists cf. 74.14/9<br>- planning and design of gardens and sport installations cf. 74.20/1,74.20/2, 74.20/4<br>- organisation of agricultural shows and fairs cf. 74.84/3<br></p>
- 0142 : Animal husbandry activities
- 0150 : Hunting/trapping/game propagation
<p>This class includes:<br>- hunting and trapping of animals for food, fur, skin, or for use in research, in zoos or as pets<br>- production of furskins or bird skins from hunting or trapping activities<br>- game propagation<br>- service activities to promote commercial hunting and trapping</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- catching of sea mammals such as walrus and seal</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- production of furskins or bird skins from ranching operations cf. 01.25</p> <p>- raising of animals on ranching operations cf. 01.25<br>- catching of whales cf. 05.01<br>- production of hides and skins originating from slaughterhouses cf. 15.11/1<br>- hunting for sport or recreation cf. 92.62/9<br> </p>
- 0201 : Forestry and logging
<p>This class includes:<br>- growing of standing timber: planting, replanting, transplanting, thinning and conserving of forests and timber tracts<br>- growing of coppice and pulpwood<br>- operation of forest tree nurseries<br>- growing of Christmas trees<br>- logging: felling of timber and production of wood in the rough such as pit-props, split poles, pickets or fuel wood<br>- growing of vegetable materials used for plaiting</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- gathering of wild growing forest materials: lac, resins, balsams, vegetable hair, eel grass, acorns, horse-chestnuts, mosses, lichens</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- growing and gathering of mushrooms cf. 01.12<br>- gathering of berries or nuts cf. 01.13/9<br>- production of wood chips cf. 20.10<br></p>
- 0202 : Forestry and logging related activities
<br><br>This class includes:<br>- forestry service activities: forestry inventories, timber evaluation, fire protection<br>- logging service activities: transport of logs within the forest <br>
- 0501 : Fishing
<p>This class includes:<br>- fishing in ocean, coastal or inland waters<br>- taking of marine and freshwater crustaceans and molluscs<br>- hunting of aquatic animals: sea-squirts, tunicates, sea urchins, etc.</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- gathering of marine materials: sponges, algae<br>- service activities incidental to fishing</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- capturing of sea mammals, except whales, e.g. walruses, seals cf. 01.50<br>- processing of fish, crustaceans and molluscs not connected to fishing, i.e. on vessels only engaged in processing and preserving fish, or in factories ashore cf. 15.20<br>- fishing practised for sport or recreation and related services cf. 92.72<br></p>
- 0502 : Operation of fish hatcheries & farms
- 1010 : Mining and agglomeration of hard coal
- 1020 : Mining and agglomeration of lignite
<p>This class includes:<br>- mining of lignite (brown coal): underground or surface mining<br>- washing, dehydrating, pulverising of lignite <br>- agglomeration of lignite<br><br></p>
- 1030 : Extraction and agglomeration of peat
<p>This class includes:<br>- peat digging<br>- peat agglomeration</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of articles of peat cf. 26.82/9<br><br></p>
- 1110 : Extraction: crude petroleum/natural gas
<p>This class includes:<br>- extraction of crude petroleum<br>- production of crude gaseous hydrocarbon (natural gas)<br>- extraction of condensates<br>- draining and separation of liquid hydrocarbon fractions<br>- liquefaction and regasification of natural gas for transportation<br>- gas desulphurisation</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- extraction of bituminous shale and sand<br>- production of crude petroleum from bituminous shale and sand</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- service activities incidental to oil and gas extraction cf. 11.20<br>- manufacture of refined petroleum products cf. 23.20<br>- recovery of liquefied petroleum gases in the refining of petroleum cf. 23.20/1<br>- operation of pipelines cf. 60.30<br>- oil and gas exploration cf. 74.20/6<br><br></p>
- 1120 : Service activities:oil & gas extraction
P>This class includes:<br>- oil and gas extraction service activities provided on a fee or contract basis: test drilling and testhole boring; directional drilling and redrilling; spudding in; derrick erection in situ, repairing and dismantling; cementing oil and gas well casings; pumping of wells; plugging and abandoning wells, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- geophysical, geological and seismographic surveys cf. 74.20/6<br><br></p>
- 1200 : Mining of uranium and thorium ores
<p>This class includes:<br>- mining of uranium and thorium ores <br>- concentration of such ores<br>- manufacture of yellowcake</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- enrichment of uranium and thorium ores cf. 23.30<br>- production of fissile or fertile material cf. 23.30<br>- production of uranium metal cf. 23.30<br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 1310 : Mining of iron ores
<p>This class includes:<br>- mining of ores valued chiefly for iron content<br>- beneficiation and agglomeration of iron ores</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- pyrites and pyrrhotite mining and preparation cf. 14.30<br></p>
- 1320 : Mining: non-ferrous metal ores
<p>This class includes:<br>- mining and preparation of ores valued chiefly for non-ferrous metal content<br>. mining and preparation of ores of aluminium (bauxite), copper, lead, zinc, tin, manganese, chrome, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, tantalum, vanadium, etc.<br>. mining and preparation of ores of precious metals: preparation of ores of gold, silver, platinum</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- mining and preparation of uranium and thorium ores cf. 12.00<br>- production of aluminium oxide and mattes of nickel or of copper cf. 27.4<br><br></p>
- 1411 : Quarrying of stone for construction
<p>This class includes:<br>- quarrying, rough trimming and sawing of monumental and building stone such as marble, granite, sandstone, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- cutting, shaping and finishing of stone outside quarries cf. 26.70<br></p>
- 1412 : Quarrying of limestone, gypsum and chalk
<p>This class includes:<br>- quarrying, crushing and breaking of limestone for industrial and constructional uses<br>- mining of gypsum and anhydrite<br>- mining of chalk<br>- mining of marl<br></p>
- 1413 : Quarrying of slate
- 1421 : Operation of gravel and sand pits
<p>This class includes:<br>- extraction and dredging of industrial sand, sand for construction and gravel<br>- breaking and crushing of shingle, gravel and sand</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- mining of bituminous sand cf. 11.10<br></p>
- 1422 : Mining of clays and kaolin
<p>This class includes:<br>- extraction of clays for brick, pipe and tile making<br>- extraction of special clays including ball clay, china clay, fire-clay, fuller's earth, etc.<br><br> </p>
- 1430 : Mining of chemical & fertilizer minerals
<p>This class includes:<br>- mining of natural phosphates and natural potassium salts<br>- mining of native sulphur<br>- extraction and preparation of pyrites and pyrrhotite<br>- mining of natural barium sulphate and carbonate (barytes and witherite), natural borates, natural magnesium sulphates (kieserite)<br>- mining of earth colours and fluorspar</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- guano mining</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- production of salt cf. 14.40<br>- roasting of iron pyrites cf. 24.13<br>- manufacture of synthetic fertilizers and nitrogen compounds cf. 24.15<br><br> </p>
- 1440 : Production of salt
P>This class includes:<br>- extraction of salt from underground including by dissolving and pumping<br>- salt production by evaporation of sea water or other saline waters<br>- production of brine and other saline solutions<br>- crushing, purification and refining of salt</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- potable water production by evaporation of saline water cf. 41.00<br><br></p>
- 1450 : Other mining and quarrying nec
<p>This class includes:<br>- mining and quarrying of various minerals and materials:<br>. abrasive materials, asbestos, siliceous fossil meals, natural graphite, steatite (talc), feldspar, etc.<br>. gem stones, quartz, mica, etc.<br>. natural asphalt and bitumen</p>
- 1511 : Production and preserving of meat
- 1512 : Production and preserving poultry meat
<p>This class includes:<br>- slaughtering of poultry<br>- preparation of poultry meat<br>- production of fresh or frozen poultry meat in individual portions</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- slaughtering of rabbits and the like<br>- preparation of rabbit meat and the like<br>- production of feathers and down</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- packaging of poultry meat for own account by the wholesale trade cf. 51.32<br>- packaging of poultry meat on a fee or contract basis cf. 74.82<br></p>
- 1513 : Production: meat & poultry meat products
- 1520 : Processing/preserving of fish
- 1531 : Processing and preserving of potatoes
<p>This class includes:<br>- production of prepared frozen potatoes<br>- production of dehydrated mashed potatoes<br>- production of potato snacks<br>- production of potato crisps<br>- manufacture of potato flour and meal</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- industrial peeling of potatoes<br></p>
- 1532 : Manufacture of fruit and vegetable juice
<p>This class also includes:<br>- production of concentrates and nectars</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- production of fruit syrup cf. 15.98<br><br></p>
- 1533 : Processing/preserving: fruit/veg nec
<p>This class includes:<br>- preserving of fruit, nuts or vegetables: freezing, drying, immersing in oil or in vinegar, canning, etc.<br>- manufacture of fruit or vegetable food products<br>- manufacture of jams, marmalades and table jellies</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of flour or meal of dried leguminous vegetables cf.15.61/2<br>- preservation of fruit and nuts in sugar cf. 15.84/2<br><br></p>
- 1541 : Manufacture of crude oils and fats
<p>This class includes:<br>- production of crude vegetable oils; olive oil, soya bean oil, palm oil, sunflower-seed oil, cotton seed oil, rape, colza or mustard oil, linseed oil, etc.<br>- production of non-defatted flour or meal of oil-seeds, oil nuts or oil kernels</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- production of non-edible animal oils and fats<br>- extraction of fish and marine mammal oils</p> <p>Note:<br>- cotton linters, oil cakes and other residual products of oil production are by-products of this class</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- rendering and refining of lard and other edible animal fats cf. 15.11/2<br>- wet corn milling cf. 15.62<br>- production of essential oils cf. 24.63<br><br></p>
- 1542 : Manufacture of refined oils and fats
<p>This class includes:<br>- production of refined vegetable oils: olive oil, soya-bean oil, etc.<br>- processing of vegetable oils: blowing, boiling, oxidation, polymerisation, dehydration, hydrogenation, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- production of non-edible animal oils and fats cf. 15.41<br>- extraction of fish and marine mammal oils cf. 15.41<br></p>
- 1543 : Manufacture: margarine/similar fats
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of margarine <br>- manufacture of melanges and similar spreads<br>- manufacture of compound cooking fats<br><br></p>
- 1551 : Operation of dairies and cheese making
- 1552 : Manufacture of ice cream
<p>This class includes:<br>- production of ice cream and other edible ice such as sorbet</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- activities of ice cream parlours cf. 55.30/3<br><br></p>
- 1561 : Manufacture of grain mill products
- 1562 : Manufacture of starches/starch products
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of starches from rice, potatoes, maize, etc.<br>- wet corn milling<br>- manufacture of glucose, glucose syrup, maltose, etc.<br>- manufacture of gluten <br>- manufacture of tapioca <br>- manufacture of corn oil</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of lactose cf. 15.51/9<br>- production of cane or beet sugar cf. 15.83<br></p>
- 1571 : Manufacture of feeds for farm animals
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals including animal feed supplements<br>- preparation of unmixed (single) feeds for farm animals</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- production of fishmeal for animal feed cf. 15.20/9<br>- production of oil seed cake cf. 15.41<br></p>
- 1572 : Manufacture of prepared pet foods
- 1581 : Manufacture of bread etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of bread and rolls<br>- manufacture of fresh pastry, cakes, pies, tarts, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of farinaceous products (e.g. pastas) cf. 15.85<br></p>
- 1582 : Manufacture of rusks, biscuits etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of rusks and biscuits and dry bakery products<br>- manufacture of preserved pastry goods and cakes<br>- manufacture of snack products whether sweet or salted<br></p>
- 1583 : Manufacture of sugar
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture or refining of sugar (sucrose) and sugar substitutes from the juice of cane, beet, maple and palm</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of glucose, glucose syrup, maltose cf. 15.62<br><br></p>
- 1584 : Manufacture of cocoa; chocolate etc
- 1585 : Manufacture of macaroni, noodles etc
P>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of pastas such as macaroni and noodles, cooked or uncooked, whether or not stuffed<br>- manufacture of couscous<br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 1586 : Processing of tea and coffee
- 1587 : Manufacture of condiments and seasonings
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of spices, sauces and condiments:<br>. mayonnaise<br>. mustard flour and meal<br>. prepared mustard, etc.<br>- manufacture of vinegar</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- growing of spice crops cf. 01.13/9<br>- manufacture of table salt cf. 14.40<br> </p>
- 1588 : Manufacture of homogenised food etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of foods for particular nutritional uses (Council directive, Official Journal of the European Communities No L186 dated 30 June 1989):<br>. infant formulae<br>. follow-up milk and other follow-up foods<br>. baby foods<br>. low-energy and energy-reduced foods intended for weight control<br>. dietary foods for special medical purposes<br>. low-sodium foods, including low-sodium or sodium-free dietary salts<br>. gluten-free foods<br>. foods intended to meet the expenditure of intense muscular effort, especially for sportsmen<br>. foods for persons suffering from carbohydrate-metabolism disorders (diabetes)<br></p>
- 1589 : Manufacture of other food products nec
- 1591 : Manufacture of alcoholic beverages
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of distilled, potable, alcoholic beverages: manufacture of whisky, brandy, gin, liqueurs, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of non-distilled alcoholic beverages cf. 15.92, 15.93, 15.94<br></p>
- 1592 : Production of ethyl alcohol
<p>This class includes:<br>- production of ethyl alcohol from fermented materials<br>- production of neutral spirits<br></p>
- 1593 : Manufacture of wines
- 1594 : Manufacture of cider/other fruit wines
- 1595 : Manuf: other non-dist. fermen. beverages
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of vermouth and the like<br></p>
- 1596 : Manufacture of beer
- 1597 : Manufacture of malt
- 1598 : Production of mineral waters/soft drinks
<p>This class includes:<br>- bottling of waters including production of natural mineral waters<br>- production of soft drinks:<br>. non-alcoholic flavoured and/or sweetened waters: lemonade, orangeade, cola, fruit drinks, tonic waters, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- production of fruit and vegetable juice cf. 15.32<br></p>
- 1600 : Manufacture of tobacco products
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of tobacco products: cigarettes, cigarette tobacco, cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff<br>- manufacture of homogenised or reconstituted tobacco</p>
- 1711 : Preparation/spinning: cotton-type fibres
<p>This class includes:<br>- preparatory operations on cotton-type fibres, carding and combing<br>- manufacture of cotton-type yarn, either with cotton or artificial or synthetic fibres, for weaving, knitting, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes: - manufacture of sewing thread cf. 17.16<br></p>
- 1712 : Preparation/spinning: wool-type fibres
<p>This class includes:<br>- preparatory operations on woollen-type fibres: degreasing and carbonising of wool, carding<br>- manufacture of woollen-type yarns, either with wool or artificial or synthetic fibres, for weaving, knitting, etc.<br></p>
- 1713 : Preparation/spinning: worsted-type fibre
<p>This class includes:<br>- combing of worsted-type fibres<br>- manufacture of worsted-type yarns, either with wool or artificial or synthetic fibres, for weaving, knitting, etc.<br>- preparation and spinning of semi-worsted-type (carded but not fully combed) fibres<br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 1714 : Preparation/spinning: flax-type fibres
<p>This class includes:<br>- scutching of flax<br>- manufacture of flax-type yarns, either with flax or artificial or synthetic fibres, for weaving, knitting, etc.<br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 1715 : Throwing and preparation of silk
<p>This class includes:<br>- reeling, washing and throwing of silk <br>- carding and combing of silk waste<br>- manufacture of silk-type yarns, either with silk or artificial or synthetic fibres, for weaving, knitting, etc.<br>- texturising, twisting, folding, cabling and dipping of synthetic or artificial filament yarns<br></p> <p> </p>
- 1716 : Manufacture of sewing threads
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of sewing thread of any textile material including mixtures</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of knitting and crocheting yarn cf. 17.11,17.15,17.17<br></p>
- 1717 : Preparation/spinning: other fibres
<p>This class includes:<br>- preparatory operations and spinning of other textile fibres, such as jute or bast fibres</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- manufacture of paper yarn</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of synthetic or artificial fibres and tows, manufacture of single yarns (including high tenacity yarn and yarn for carpets) of synthetic or artificial fibres cf. 24.70<br>- manufacture of glass fibres cf. 26.14<br>- spinning of asbestos yarn cf. 26.82/1<br></p>
- 1721 : Cotton-type weaving
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of broad woven cotton-type fabrics, either with cotton or artificial or synthetic yarns</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- manufacture of woven pile or chenille fabrics, terry towelling, gauze, etc.<br><br>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of textile floor coverings cf. 17.51<br>- manufacture of nonwovens cf. 17.53<br>- manufacture of narrow fabrics cf. 17.54/2<br>- manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics cf. 17.60<br></p>
- 1722 : Woollen-type weaving
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of broad woven woollen-type fabrics, either with wool or artificial or synthetic yarns</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of textile floor coverings cf. 17.51<br>- manufacture of nonwovens cf. 17.53<br>- manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics cf. 17.60<br></p>
- 1723 : Worsted-type weaving
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of broad woven worsted-type fabrics, either with wool or artificial or synthetic yarns</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of textile floor coverings cf. 17.51<br>- manufacture of nonwovens cf. 17.53<br>- manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics cf. 17.60<br></p>
- 1724 : Silk-type weaving
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of broad woven silk-type fabrics either with silk or artificial or synthetic yarns<br></p>
- 1725 : Other textile weaving
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of other broad woven fabrics, using flax, ramie, hemp, jute, bast fibres and special yarns<br>- manufacture of polypropylene fabrics</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- manufacture of woven fabrics of glass fibres</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of textile floor coverings cf. 17.51<br>- manufacture of nonwovens cf. 17.53<br>- weaving of asbestos yarn cf. 26.82/1<br><br></p>
- 1730 : Finishing of textiles
<p>This class includes:<br>- bleaching, dyeing and printing (including thermo-printing) of not self-produced textiles and textile articles<br>- dressing, drying, steaming, shrinking, sanforising, mercerising of not self-produced textiles and textile articles</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- finishing of textile articles made from self-produced materials cf. 17.1, 17.2 and 17.5 - impregnation, coating, covering and lamination of textiles with plastics cf. 17.54/9<br><br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 1740 : Manufacture of made-up textile articles
- 1751 : Manufacture of carpets and rugs
- 1752 : Manufacture of cord/rope/twine/netting
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of twine, cordage, rope and cables of textile fibres or strip or the like, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics<br>- manufacture of knotted netting of twine, cordage or rope <br>- manufacture of products of rope or netting: fishing nets, ships' fenders, unloading cushions, loading slings, rope or cable fitted with metal rings, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of hair nets cf. 18.24/9<br><br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 1753 : Manufacture of nonwovens
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of nonwovens and articles made from nonwovens, except apparel<br></p>
- 1754 : Manufacture of other textiles nec
- 1760 : Manufacture of knitted/crocheted fabrics
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of knitted or crocheted fabrics:<br>. pile and terry fabrics<br>. net and window furnishing type fabrics knitted on Raschel or similar machines<br>. other knitted or crocheted fabrics</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of net and window furnishing type fabrics of lace knitted on Raschel or similar machines cf. 17.54/1<br></p>
- 1771 : Manufacture of knitted/crocheted hosiery
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of hosiery, including socks, tights and panti-hose<br></p>
- 1772 : Manufacture: knitted/crocheted pullovers
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of knitted or crocheted pullovers, cardigans, jerseys, waistcoats and similar articles<br></p>
- 1810 : Manufacture of leather clothes
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of wearing apparel made of leather or imitation leather</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of leather gloves and belts cf. 18.24/9<br>- manufacture of leather sports gloves and sports headgear cf. 36.40<br></p>
- 1821 : Manufacture of workwear
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of workwear </p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of footwear cf. 19.30<br>- manufacture of wearing apparel of rubber or plastics which is not assembled by stitching but is merely sealed together cf. 25.13, 25.24<br>- manufacture of safety headgear cf. 25.24 28.75<br>- repair of wearing apparel cf. 52.74<br><br></p>
- 1822 : Manufacture of other outerwear
- 1823 : Manufacture of underwear
- 1824 : Manufacture of other wearing apparel nec
- 1830 : Dressing and dyeing of fur
<p>This class includes:<br>- dressing and dyeing of furskins and hides with the hair on:<br>. scraping, currying, tanning, bleaching, shearing and plucking and dyeing of furskins<br>- manufacture of articles made of furskins:<br>. fur wearing apparel and clothing accessories<br>. assemblies of furskins such as dropped furskins, plates, mats, strips, etc.<br>. diverse articles of furskins: rugs, unstuffed pouffes, industrial polishing cloths</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- manufacture of artificial fur and articles thereof</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- production of raw furskins cf. 01.25, 01.50<br>- production of raw hides and skins cf. 15.11/1<br>- manufacture of imitation furs (long hair cloth obtained by weaving or knitting) cf. 17.2, 17.60<br>- manufacture of fur hats cf. 18.24/1<br>- manufacture of apparel trimmed with fur cf. 18.24/9<br>- manufacture of boots or shoes containing fur parts cf. 19.30<br>- manufacture of metallic watch straps cf. 33.50<br><br></p>
- 1910 : Tanning and dressing of leather
- 1920 : Manufacture of luggage, handbags etc
- 1930 : Manufacture of footwear
- 2010 : Sawmilling and planing of wood etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- sawing, planing and machining of wood<br>- manufacture of wooden railway sleepers<br>- manufacture of unassembled wooden flooring<br>- manufacture of wood wool, wood flour, chips, particles</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- drying of wood<br>- impregnation or chemical treatment of wood with preservatives or other materials</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- logging and production of wood in the rough cf. 02.01<br>- manufacture of shingles and shakes, beadings and mouldings cf. 20.30</p>
- 2020 : Manufacture of veneer sheets/plywood etc
<p>This class also includes:<br>- manufacture of blockboard<br></p>
- 2030 : Manufacture: builders' carpentry/joinery
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of wooden goods intended to be used primarily in the construction industry:<br>. beams, rafters, roof struts<br>. doors, windows, shutters and their frames<br>. stairs, railings<br>. wooden beadings and mouldings, shingles and shakes<br>. parquet floor blocks, strips, etc., assembled into panels<br>- manufacture of prefabricated buildings or elements thereof, of wood</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of unassembled wooden flooring cf. 20.10</p>
- 2040 : Manufacture of wooden containers
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings of wood<br>- manufacture of pallets, box pallets and other load boards of wood<br>- manufacture of barrels, vats, tubs and other coopers' products, of wood<br>- manufacture of wooden cable-drums</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of luggage cf. 19.20</p> <p>- manufacture of cases of plaiting material cf. 20.52</p>
- 2051 : Manufacture of other products of wood
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of various wood products:<br>. wooden handles and bodies for tools, brooms, brushes<br>. wooden boot or shoe lasts and trees, clothes hangers<br>. household utensils and kitchen-ware of wood; coat and hat racks<br>. wooden statuettes and ornaments, wood marquetry, inlaid wood<br>. wooden caskets and cases for jewellery, cutlery and similar articles<br>. wooden spools, cops, bobbins, sewing thread reels and similar articles of turned wood<br>. other articles of wood</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of luggage cf. 19.20<br>- manufacture of wooden footwear cf. 19.30<br>- manufacture of lamps and lighting fittings cf. 31.50<br>- manufacture of clock cases cf. 33.50 <br>- manufacture of furniture cf. 36.1<br>- manufacture of wooden toys cf. 36.50/9<br>- manufacture of imitation jewellery cf. 36.61<br>- manufacture of brushes and brooms cf. 36.62<br>- manufacture of walking sticks and umbrella handles cf. 36.63/9<br>- manufacture of matches cf. 36.63/9<br><br></p></TD></TR></TABLE></p>
- 2052 : Manufacture: articles of cork/straw etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- natural cork processing<br>- manufacture of articles of natural or agglomerated cork<br>- manufacture of plaits and products of plaiting materials:<br>. mats, mattings, screens, etc.<br>- manufacture of basket ware and wickerwork</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of mats or matting of textile materials cf. 17.51<br>- manufacture of furniture cf. 36.1<br><br></p> <p><br> </p></TD></TR></TABLE></p>
- 2111 : Manufacture of pulp
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of bleached, semi-bleached or unbleached paper pulp:<br>. manufacture by mechanical, chemical (dissolving or non- dissolving) or semi-chemical processes of paper pulp<br>- removal of ink and manufacture of pulp from waste paper<br></p> <p><br> </p></TD></TR></TABLE></p>
- 2112 : Manufacture of paper and paperboard
P>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of paper and paperboard intended for further industrial processing</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- coating, covering and impregnation of paper and paperboard<br>- manufacture of creped or crinkled paper<br>- manufacture of cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of corrugated paperboard cf. 21.21/1<br>- manufacture of further processed articles of paper cf. 21.22 21.23, 21.24, 21.25<br> </p></TD></TR></TABLE></p>
- 2121 : Manufacture of corrugated paper etc
- 2122 : Manufacture of household goods etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of household and personal hygiene paper and cellulose wadding products:<br>. manufacture of cleansing tissues<br>. manufacture of handkerchiefs, towels, serviettes<br>. manufacture of toilet-paper<br>. manufacture of sanitary towels and tampons, napkins and napkin liners for babies<br>. manufacture of cups, dishes and trays<br></p>
- 2123 : Manufacture of paper stationery
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of printing and writing paper ready for use<br>- manufacture of computer print-out paper<br>- manufacture of self-copy paper ready for use<br>- manufacture of duplicator stencils and carbon paper ready for use<br>- manufacture of gummed or adhesive paper ready for use<br>- manufacture of envelopes and letter-cards<br>- manufacture of boxes, pouches, wallets and writing compendiums containing an assortment of paper stationery<br></p>
- 2124 : Manufacture of wallpaper
P>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of wallpaper and similar wall coverings including vinyl coated wall paper<br>- manufacture of textile wall coverings<br></p>
- 2125 : Manufacture of other paper nec
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of labels<br>- manufacture of filter paper and paperboard<br>- manufacture of paper and paperboard bobbins, spools, cops, cards for use on Jacquard machines, etc.<br>- manufacture of egg trays and other moulded pulp packaging products</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of paper or paperboard in bulk cf. 21.12<br>- manufacture of games and toys of paper or paperboard cf. 36.50/9<br>- manufacture of playing cards cf. 36.50/9<br><br></p>
- 2211 : Publishing of books
<p>This class includes:<br>- publishing of books, brochures, leaflets and similar publications including publishing of dictionaries and encyclopaedias<br>- publishing of maps and charts<br>- publishing of printed music<br></p>
- 2212 : Publishing of newspapers
<p>This class includes:<br>- publishing of newspapers, including advertising newspapers<br></p>
- 2213 : Publishing of journals and periodicals
- 2214 : Publishing of sound recordings
<p>This class includes:<br>- publishing of gramophone records, compact discs and tapes with music or other sound recordings<br></p>
- 2215 : Other publishing
<p>This class includes:<br>- publishing of:<br>. photos, engravings and postcards<br>. timetables<br>. forms<br>. posters, reproduction of works of art<br>. other printed matter such as postcards reproduced by mechanical or photo-mechanical means<br></p>
- 2221 : Printing of newspapers
- 2222 : Printing nec
<p>This class includes:<br>- printing of magazines and other periodicals, books and brochures, music and music manuscripts, maps, atlases, posters, advertising catalogues, prospectuses and other printed advertising, postage stamps, taxation stamps, documents of title, cheques and other security papers, registers, albums, diaries, calendars, business forms and other commercial printed matter, personal stationery and other printed matter by letterpress, offset, photogravure, flexographic, screen printing and other printing presses, duplicating machines, computer printers, embossers, photocopiers and thermocopiers</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- printing of labels cf. 21.25<br>- publishing cf. 22.1<br><br></p>
- 2223 : Bookbinding and finishing
<p>This class includes:<br>- finishing of printed sheets, e.g. into books, brochures, magazines, catalogues, etc. by folding, assembling, stitching, glueing, collating, basting, adhesive binding, trimming, gold stamping<br>- finishing of printed paper or board, e.g. for business forms, displays, sample cards, labels, calendars, advertising literature for mailing, prospectuses by folding, stamping, drilling, punching, perforating, embossing, sticking, glueing, laminating<br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 2224 : Composition and plate-making
<p>This class includes:<br>- composing, e.g. text and image on film, photographic paper and normal paper<br>- reproduction: production of letterpress printing formes (e.g. flexographic or rubber plates, plastic plates, nylon printing plates, zinc or photopolymer plates, stereos and electros, embossing matrixes), offset reproduction and printing plates (e.g. offset lithos, offset plates such as mono- or multi-metal plates, screen printing stencils, film assemblers), gravure reproductions and gravure cylinders (e.g. half-tone copies and scanner films for cylinder engraving)<br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 2225 : Other activities related to printing
<p>This class includes:<br>- production of other reprographic products: overhead projection foils, sketches, lay-outs, dummies, etc.<br>- preparation of digital data, e.g. enhancement, selection, linkage of digital data stored on EDP data carriers<br>- other graphic activities<br><br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 2231 : Reproduction of sound recording
<p>This class includes:<br>- reproduction from master copies of gramophone records, compact discs and tapes with music or other sound recordings<br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 2232 : Reproduction of video recording
<p>This class includes:<br>- reproduction from master copies of records, compact discs and tapes with motion pictures and other video recordings<br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 2233 : Reproduction of computer media
- 2310 : Manufacture of coke oven products
<p>This class includes:<br>- production of coke <br>- production at low temperature carbonisation plants<br>- production of coke oven gas<br>- production of crude coal and lignite tars</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- agglomeration of hard coal cf. 10.10/3<br>- agglomeration of lignite cf. 10.20<br>- production of pitch and pitch coke cf. 24.14<br> </p>
- 2320 : Manufacture: refined petroleum products
- 2330 : Processing of nuclear fuel
<p>This class includes:<br>- conversion of yellowcake to uranium tetrafluoride and uranium hexafluoride<br>- production of enriched uranium<br>- production of fuel elements for nuclear reactors<br>- production of radioactive elements for industrial or medical use<br>- reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel<br>- treatment of nuclear waste</p> <p>This class excludes: - mining and concentration of uranium and thorium ores cf. 12.00<br>- manufacture of yellowcake cf. 12.00<br></p>
- 2411 : Manufacture of industrial gases
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of liquefied or compressed industrial or medical gases:<br>. elemental gases<br>. liquid or compressed air<br>. refrigerant gases<br>. mixed industrial gases<br>. inert gases such as carbon dioxide<br>. isolating gases</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- extraction of methane, ethane, butane or propane cf. 11.10<br>- manufacture of fuel gases such as ethane, butane or propane in a petroleum refinery cf. 23.20/1<br></p>
- 2412 : Manufacture of dyes and pigments
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of dyes and pigments from any source in basic form or as concentrate</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- manufacture of products of a kind used as fluorescent brightening agents or as luminophores</p> <p>This class excludes <br>- manufacture of prepared dyes and pigments cf. 24.30/1<br></p>
- 2413 : Manufacture: other inorganic chemicals
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of chemical elements except metals, industrial elemental gases and radioactive elements produced by the nuclear fuels industry<br>- manufacture of inorganic acids except nitric acid<br>- manufacture of alkalis, lyes and other inorganic bases except ammonia<br>- manufacture of other inorganic compounds</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of nitric and sulphonitric acids cf. 24.15<br>- manufacture of ammonia cf. 24.15<br>- manufacture of ammonium chloride cf. 24.15<br>- manufacture of phosphates of triammonium, ammonium carbonates cf. 24.15<br>- manufacture of nitrites and nitrates of potassium cf. 24.15<br>- manufacture of chemical substances used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals cf. 24.41<br>- manufacture of artificial corundum cf. 26.81 and other aluminium oxide cf. 27.42<br></p>
- 2414 : Manufacture: other organic chemicals
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of other organic basic chemicals:<br>. acyclic hydrocarbons, saturated and unsaturated<br>. cyclic hydrocarbons, saturated and unsaturated<br>. acyclic and cyclic alcohols, including synthetic ethyl alcohol<br>. mono- and polycarboxyclic acids including acetic acid<br>. other oxygen-function compounds including aldehydes, ketones, quinones and dual or poly oxygen-function compounds<br>. nitrogen-function organic compounds including amines<br>. other organic compounds including wood distillation products, etc.<br>- manufacture of charcoal<br>- production of pitch and pitch coke<br>- manufacture of synthetic aromatic products<br>- distillation of coal tar</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of ethyl alcohol from fermented materials cf. 15.92<br>- manufacture of plastics in primary forms cf. 24.16<br>- manufacture of synthetic rubber in primary forms cf. 24.17<br>- manufacture of salicylic and o-acetylsalicylic acids cf. 24.41<br>- manufacture of chemical substances used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals cf. 24.41<br>- manufacture of crude glycerol cf. 24.51/1<br>- manufacture of essential oils cf. 24.63<br></p>
- 2415 : Manufacture: fertilizers
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of fertilizers:<br>. straight or complex nitrogenous, phosphatic or potassic fertilizers<br>. urea, crude natural phosphates and crude natural potassium salts<br>- manufacture of associated nitrogen products:<br>. nitric and sulphonitric acids, ammonia, ammonium chloride, nitrites and nitrates of potassium, phosphates of triammonium and ammonium carbonates</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- mining of guano cf. 14.30<br>- manufacture of agro-chemical products cf. 24.20<br></p>
- 2416 : Manufacture of plastics in primary forms
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of plastics in primary forms:<br>. polymers including those of ethylene, propylene, styrene, vinyl chloride, vinyl acetate and acrylics<br>. polyamides<br>. phenolic and epoxide resins and polyurethanes<br>. alkyd and polyester resins and polyethers<br>. silicones<br>. ion-exchangers based on polymers</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- manufacture of cellulose</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- recycling of plastics cf. 37.20<br></p>
- 2417 : Manufacture: synth. rubber primary forms
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of synthetic rubber in primary forms:<br>. synthetic rubber<br>. factice<br>- manufacture of mixtures of synthetic rubber and natural rubber or rubber-like gums (e.g. balata)<br></p>
- 2420 : Manufacture of pesticides etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products, plant growth regulators, disinfectants and other agro-chemical products not elsewhere classified</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds cf. 24.15<br></p>
- 2430 : Manufacture of paints, varnishes etc
- 2441 : Manufacture of pharmaceutical products
<p>This class includes:<br>- investigation, perfecting and production of medicinal active substances to be used for their pharmacological properties in the manufacture of medicaments<br>- processing of blood</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- manufacture of chemically pure sugars<br>- processing of glands and manufacture of extracts of glands, etc.<br></p>
- 2442 : Manufacture: pharmaceutical preparations
- 2451 : Manufacture of soap/detergents etc
- 2452 : Manufacture of perfumes/toilet etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of perfumes and toilet preparations:<br>. perfumes and toilet water<br>. beauty and make-up preparations<br>. sunburn prevention and sun tan preparations<br>. manicure and pedicure preparations<br>. shampoos, hair lacquers, waving and straightening preparations<br>. dentifrices and preparations for oral hygiene, including denture fixative preparations<br>. shaving preparations<br>. deodorants and bath salts<br>. depilatories</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- extraction and refining of essential oils cf. 24.63<br></p>
- 2461 : Manufacture of explosives
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of propellant powders<br>- manufacture of explosives<br>- manufacture of pyrotechnic products<br></p>
- 2462 : Manufacture of glues and gelatines
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of gelatine and its derivatives, glues and prepared adhesives, including rubber based glues and adhesives<br></p>
- 2463 : Manufacture of essential oils
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of extracts of natural aromatic products<br>- manufacture of resinoids<br>- manufacture of aromatic distilled waters<br>- manufacture of mixtures of odoriferous products for the manufacture of perfumes or food</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of synthetic aromatic products cf. 24.14<br>- manufacture of perfumes and toilet preparations cf. 24.52<br></p>
- 2464 : Manufacture of photographic chemicals
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of photographic plates, films, sensitised paper and other sensitised unexposed materials<br>- manufacture of chemical preparations for photographic uses<br> </p>
- 2465 : Manufacture of prepared unrecorded media
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of unrecorded media for sound or video recording<br>- manufacture of unrecorded computer discs and tapes<br></p>
- 2466 : Manufacture of other chemicals nec
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of various chemical products:<br>. peptones, peptone derivatives, other protein substances and their derivatives not elsewhere classified<br>. chemically modified oils and fats<br>. materials used in the finishing of textiles and leather<br>. powders and pastes used in soldering, brazing or welding<br>. substances used to pickle metal<br>. prepared additives for cements<br>. activated carbon, lubricating oil additives, prepared rubber accelerators, catalysts and other chemical products for industrial use<br>. anti-knock preparations, anti-freeze preparations, liquids for hydraulic transmission<br>. composite diagnostic or laboratory reagents</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- manufacture of writing and drawing ink</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of printing ink cf. 24.30/2<br></p>
- 2470 : Manufacture of man-made fibres
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of artificial or synthetic filament tow<br>- manufacture of synthetic or artificial staple fibres, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning<br>- manufacture of synthetic or artificial single yarn including high tenacity yarn<br>- manufacture of synthetic or artificial monofilament or strip</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- spinning of synthetic or artificial fibres cf. 17.1<br>- manufacture of sewing thread of man-made filaments cf. 17.16<br></p>
- 2511 : Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of rubber tyres for vehicles, equipment, mobile machinery and other uses:<br>. pneumatic tyres<br>. solid or cushion tyres<br>- manufacture of inner tubes for tyres<br>- manufacture of interchangeable tyre treads, tyre flaps, camel-back strips for retreading tyres, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of rubber repair materials cf. 25.13<br>- tyre and tube repair, fitting or replacement cf. 50.20<br></p>
- 2512 : Retreading/rebuilding of rubber tyres
P>This class includes:<br>- tyre rebuilding and retreading</p> <p><FONT face=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif color=#ff00cc size=0>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of rubber repair materials cf. 25.13<br>- repair of punctured tyres cf. 50.20<br></p>
- 2513 : Manufacture of other rubber products
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of other products of natural or synthetic rubber, unvulcanised, vulcanised or hardened:<br>. manufacture of semi-finished rubber products:<br>. rubber plates, sheets, strip, rods, profile shapes<br>. manufacture of finished rubber products:<br>. tubes, pipes and hoses<br>. rubber conveyor or transmission belts or belting<br>. rubber hygienic articles: sheath contraceptives, teats, hot water bottles, etc.<br>. rubber articles of apparel<br>. rubber floor coverings<br>. rubberised textiles<br>. rubber thread and rope<br>. rubberised yarn and fabrics<br>. rubber rings, fittings and seals<br>. rubber roller coverings<br>. inflatable rubber mattresses</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- manufacture of rubber repair materials</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of tyre cord fabrics cf. 17.54/9<br>- manufacture of apparel of elastic fabrics cf. 18.2<br>- manufacture of rubber footwear cf. 19.30<br>- manufacture of glues and adhesives based on rubber cf. 24.62<br>- manufacture of camel-back strips cf. 25.11<br>- manufacture of inflatable rafts and boats cf. 35.12<br>- manufacture of mattresses of uncovered cellular rubber cf. 36.15<br>- manufacture of rubber sports requisites cf. 36.40<br>- manufacture of rubber games and toys cf. 36.50/9<br>- reclaiming of rubber cf. 37.20<br></p>
- 2521 : Manufacture of plastic plates/sheets etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of semi-manufactures of plastic products:<br>. plastic plates, sheets, blocks, film, foil, strip, etc.<br>- manufacture of finished plastic products:<br>. plastic tubes, pipes and hoses; hose and pipe fittings</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of plastics in primary forms cf. 24.16<br>- manufacture of plastic optical elements cf. 33.40/1<br>- manufacture of mattresses of uncovered cellular plastic cf. 36.15<br><br></p>
- 2522 : Manufacture of plastic packing goods
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of plastic articles for the packing of goods:<br>. plastic bags, sacks, containers, boxes, cases, carboys, bottles, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of plastic travel goods cf. 19.20<br>- manufacture of articles of synthetic or natural rubber cf. 25.1<br>- packaging cf. 74.82<br><br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 2523 : Manufacture of builders' ware of plastic
- 2524 : Manufacture of other plastic products
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of plastic tableware, kitchenware and toilet articles <br>- manufacture of diverse plastic products:<br>. plastic headgear, insulating fittings, parts of lighting fittings, office or school supplies, articles of apparel, fittings for furniture, statuettes, transmission and conveyor belts, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of plastic travel goods cf. 19.20<br>- manufacture of plastic footwear cf. 19.30<br>- manufacture of plastic medical and dental appliances cf. 33.10<br>- manufacture of plastic optical elements cf. 33.40/1<br>- manufacture of plastic furniture cf. 36.1<br>- manufacture of mattresses of uncovered cellular plastic cf. 36.15<br>- manufacture of plastic sports requisites cf. 36.40<br>- manufacture of plastic games and toys cf. 36.50/9<br>- manufacture of linoleum and hard non-plastic surface floor coverings cf. 36.63/9<br> </p>
- 2611 : Manufacture of flat glass
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of flat glass including wired, coloured or tinted flat glass<br></p>
- 2612 : Shaping and processing of flat glass
P>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of toughened or laminated flat glass<br>- manufacture of glass mirrors<br>- manufacture of multiple-walled insulating units of glass<br></p>
- 2613 : Manufacture of hollow glass
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of bottles and other containers of glass or crystal<br>- manufacture of drinking glasses and other domestic glass or crystal articles<br>- manufacture of glass inners for vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of glass toys cf. 36.50/9<br>- manufacture of vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels cf. 36.63/9<br></p>
- 2614 : Manufacture of glass fibres
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of glass fibres including glass wool and nonwoven products thereof</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of woven fabric of glass yarn cf. 17.25<br>- manufacture of optical fibre cables for coded data transmission cf. 31.30<br>- manufacture of optical fibres and optical fibre cables for live transmission of images cf. 33.40/1<br></p>
- 2615 : Manufacture/processing of other glass
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware<br>- manufacture of glass envelopes<br>- manufacture of clock or watch glasses, optical glass and optical elements not optically worked<br>- manufacture of glassware used in imitation jewellery<br>- manufacture of glass insulators and glass insulating fittings<br>- manufacture of glass paving blocks<br>- manufacture of glass in rods or tubes</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of syringes cf. 33.10<br>- manufacture of optical elements optically worked cf. 33.40/1<br></p>
- 2621 : Manufacture: ceramic household articles
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of ceramic tableware and other domestic or toilet articles<br>- manufacture of statuettes and other ornamental ceramic articles<br><br>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of ceramic toys cf. 36.50/9<br>- manufacture of imitation jewellery cf. 36.61<br></p>
- 2622 : Manufacture of ceramic sanitary fixtures
<p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of refractory ceramic goods cf. 26.26<br>- manufacture of ceramic building materials cf. 26.30, 26.40<br></p>
- 2623 : Manufacture of ceramic insulators
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of electrical insulators and insulating fittings of ceramics</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of refractory ceramic goods cf. 26.26<br></p>
- 2624 : Manufacture: other tech. ceramic product
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of ceramic laboratory, chemical and industrial products<br></p>
- 2625 : Manufacture of other ceramic products
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of ceramic pots, jars and similar containers of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods<br>- manufacture of ceramic products not elsewhere classified</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of refractory ceramic goods cf. 26.26<br>- manufacture of ceramic building materials cf. 26.30, 26.40<br></p>
- 2626 : Manufacture: refractory ceramic products
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of refractory mortars, concretes, etc.<br>- manufacture of refractory ceramic goods:<br>. manufacture of heat-insulating ceramic goods of siliceous fossil meals<br>. manufacture of refractory bricks and blocks<br>. manufacture of refractory ceramic retorts, crucibles, muffles, nozzles, tubes, pipes, etc.</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- manufacture of articles containing magnesite, dolomite or cromite<br></p>
- 2630 : Manufacture of ceramic tiles and flags
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of non-refractory ceramic hearth or wall tiles, mosaic cubes, etc.<br>- manufacture of non-refractory ceramic flags and paving</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of refractory ceramic products cf. 26.26<br>- manufacture of articles containing magnesite, dolomite or cromite<br></p>
- 2640 : Manufacture of bricks etc in baked clay
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of non-refractory structural clay building materials: <br>. manufacture of ceramic bricks, roofing tiles, chimney-pots, pipes, conduits, etc. </p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- manufacture of flooring blocks in baked clay</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of structural refractory ceramic products cf. 26.26<br>- manufacture of ceramic flags and paving cf. 26.30<br></p>
- 2651 : Manufacture of cement
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of clinkers and hydraulic cements including Portland, aluminous cement, slag cement and superphosphate cements</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of cements used in dentistry cf. 24.42/2<br>- manufacture of refractory mortars, concrete, etc. cf. 26.26<br>- manufacture of articles of cement cf. 26.6<br>- manufacture of ready-mixed concrete and mortars cf. 26.63, 26.64<br></p> <p>- manufacture of ceramic flags and
- 2652 : Manufacture of lime
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of lime:<br>. manufacture of quicklime, slaked lime and hydraulic lime<br></p>
- 2653 : Manufacture of plaster
<p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of articles of plaster cf. 26.6<br></p>
- 2661 : Manufacture: concrete for construction
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of precast concrete, cement or artificial stone articles for use in construction:<br>. manufacture of tiles, flagstones, bricks, boards, sheets, panels, pipes, posts, etc.<br>- manufacture of prefabricated structural components for building or civil engineering of cement, concrete or artificial stone<br></p>
- 2662 : Manufacture: plaster for construction
26.62 Manufacture of plaster products for construction purposes
- 2663 : Manufacture of ready-mixed concrete
<p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of refractory cements cf. 26.26<br></p>
- 2664 : Manufacture of mortars
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of powdered mortars</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of refractory mortars cf. <A href=explain_sectiondi.asp#2626>26.26</A><br></p> </p> <p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of powdered mortars</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of refractory mortars cf. 26.26<br></p>
- 2665 : Manufacture of fibre cement
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of building materials of vegetable substances (wood wool, straw, reeds, rushes) agglomerated with cement, plaster or other mineral binder<br>- manufacture of articles of cellulose fibre-cement or the like:<br>. corrugated sheets, other sheets, panels, tiles, tubes, pipes, reservoirs, troughs, basins, sinks, jars, furniture, window frames, etc.<br></p>
- 2666 : Manufacture: other concrete/plaster etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of other articles of concrete, plaster, cement or artificial stone:<br>. manufacture of statuary, furniture, bas- and haut-reliefs, vases, flowerpots, etc.<br></p>
- 2670 : Cutting, shaping and finishing of stone
<p>This class includes:<br>- cutting, shaping and finishing stone for use in construction, in cemeteries, etc.<br>- operations carried out on rough stone delivered by quarries</p> <p><FONT face=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif color=#ff00cc size=0>This class excludes:<br>- activities carried out by operators of quarries, e.g., production of rough cut stone cf. 14.11<br>- production of millstones, abrasive stones and similar products cf. 26.81<br><br></p>
- 2681 : Production of abrasive products
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of millstones, sharpening or polishing stones and natural or artificial abrasive products including abrasive products on a soft base<br></p>
- 2682 : Manufac: non-metal mineral products nec
- 2710 : Manufacture of basic iron/steel etc
<p>This class includes activities of the iron and steel industry as defined in the ECSC treaty:<br>- production of pig iron and steel resulting from ore or scrap reduction:<br>. production of foundry pig iron and steel making pig iron<br>. production of ferrous products obtained by direct reduction of iron ore, and other spongy ferrous products in lumps, pellets or similar forms<br>. production of steel in a converter or electric or other furnace<br>- production of high-carbon ferro-manganese and spiegeleisen<br>- production of hot rolled or cold rolled steel products (including those obtained by continuous casting):<br>. production of ingots, other primary forms and semi-finished products<br>. production and/or continuous coating of hot rolled wide strip, narrow strip, plates and sheets and wide flats<br>. production and/or continuous coating of cold rolled wide strip, plates and sheets<br>. production of tin-plate, electrolytically chromium coated sheet, black plate<br>. production of hot rolled steel bars and rod<br>. production of hot rolled heavy and light sections and sheet piling<br>. production of rails and other hot rolled railway materials</p> <p><br>This class also includes:<br>- production of hot rolled products and cold rolled wide strip and sheet, coated or uncoated, further worked than simply surface-treated, but not thereby classified to another heading</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>production of cold rolled narrow strip, coated or uncoated, of a width up to 500 mm (non-ECSC) by cold reduction of hot rolled flat products or by slitting cold rolled flat products (ECSC), coated or uncoated cf. 27.32<br>- production of granules and powders of pig iron, iron or steel cf. 27.35<br>- production of ferro-alloys other than high-carbon ferro-manganese cf. 27.35<br>- production of forged semi-finished products, blanks and bars cf. 27.35<br>- production of iron and steel castings cf. 27.5<br></p>
- 2721 : Manufacture of cast iron tubes
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of cast iron tubes and cast iron or steel centrifugally cast tubes<br>- manufacture of cast iron fittings: manufacture of non-malleable and malleable cast iron fittings and cast steel fittings for which connection is obtained by screwing for threaded fittings, by contact for socket fittings or by bolting for flange fittings<br></p>
- 2722 : Manufacture of steel tubes
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of seamless tubes, by hot rolling, hot extrusion or hot drawing, or by cold drawing or cold rolling<br>- manufacture of welded tubes by cold or hot forming and welding, by forming and cold drawing, or by hot forming and reducing<br>- manufacture of steel tube fittings:<br>. flat flanges and flanges with forged collars of steel<br>. butt welding fittings of steel<br>. threaded fittings and other fittings of steel</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of seamless tubes of centrifugally cast steel cf. 27.21<br></p>
- 2731 : Cold drawing
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of steel bars or sections by cold drawing, grinding or peeling</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- wire drawing or stretching cf. 27.34<br></p>
- 2732 : Cold rolling of narrow strip
P>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of coated or uncoated flat rolled steel products in coils or in straight lengths of a width less than 500 mm (non-ECSC) by cold re-rolling of hot rolled flat products<br></p>
- 2733 : Cold forming or folding
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of open sections by progressive forming on a roll mill or folding on a press of flat rolled products of steel<br></p>
- 2734 : Wire drawing
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of steel wire by cold drawing or stretching<br></p>
- 2735 : Other first processing of iron/steel nec
This class includes:<br>- production of ferro-alloys except high-carbon ferro-manganese and of ferro-phosphor production of granular iron and iron powder; production of iron of exceptional purity by electrolysis or other chemical processes<br>- production of permanent way material except rails<br>- production of metal sand for sandblasting<br><br></p>
- 2741 : Precious metals production
<p>This class includes:<br>- production of basic precious metals:<br>. production and refining of unwrought precious metals: gold, silver, platinum, etc.<br>- production of precious metal alloys<br>- production of precious metal semi-products<br>- production of silver rolled onto base metals<br>- production of gold rolled onto base metals or silver <br>- production of platinum and platinum group metals rolled onto gold, silver or base metals</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of precious metal watch cases cf. 33.50<br>- manufacture of precious metal jewellery cf. 36.22<br></p>
- 2742 : Aluminium production
<p>This class includes:<br>- production of aluminium from alumina<br>- production of aluminium from electrolytic refining of aluminium waste and scrap<br>- production of aluminium alloys<br>- semi-manufacturing of aluminium</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- production of aluminium oxide (alumina)<br></p>
- 2743 : Lead, zinc and tin production
<p>This class includes:<br>- production of lead, zinc and tin from ores<br>- production of lead, zinc and tin from electrolytic refining of lead, zinc and tin waste and scrap<br>- production of lead, zinc and tin alloys<br>- semi-manufacturing of lead, zinc and tin<br><br></p>
- 2744 : Copper production
<p>This class includes:<br>- production of copper from ores<br>- production of copper from electrolytic refining of copper waste and scrap<br>- production of copper alloys<br>- manufacture of fuse wire or strip<br>- semi-manufacturing of copper<br></p>
- 2745 : Other non-ferrous metal production
<p>This class includes:<br>- production of chrome, manganese, nickel, etc., from ores or oxides<br>- production of chrome, manganese, nickel, etc., from electrolytic and aluminothermic refining of chrome, manganese, nickel, etc., waste and scrap<br>- production of chrome, manganese, nickel, etc., alloys<br>- semi-manufacturing of chrome, manganese, nickel, etc.</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- production of mattes of nickel<br></p>
- 2751 : Casting of iron
<p>This class includes:<br>- casting of finished or semi-finished iron products<br>- casting of grey iron castings<br>- casting of spheroidal graphite iron castings<br>- casting of malleable cast iron products</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- casting carried out in connection with the manufacture of metal products cf. divisions <A href=explain_sectiondj.asp#2736>27.36</A><br></p>
- 2752 : Casting of steel
<p>This class includes:<br>- casting of finished or semi-finished steel products<br>- casting of steel castings</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- casting carried out in connection with the manufacture of metal products cf. divisions 27.36<br></p>
- 2753 : Casting of light metals
<p>This class includes:<br>- casting of finished or semi-finished products of aluminium, magnesium, titanium, beryllium, scandium and yttrium<br>- casting of light metal castings</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- casting carried out in connection with the manufacture of metal products cf. divisions 27.36<br></p>
- 2754 : Casting of other non-ferrous metals
<p>This class includes:<br>- casting of finished or semi-finished heavy and precious metal products<br>- casting of heavy metal castings<br>- casting of precious metal castings</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- casting carried out in connection with the manufacture of metal products cf. divisions 27.36<br></p>
- 2811 : Manufacture of metal structures & parts
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of ossature in metal for construction<br>- manufacture of industrial ossature in metal (ossature for blast furnaces, lifting and handling equipment, etc.)<br>- manufacture of prefabricated buildings mainly of metal:<br>. construction site huts, modular exhibition elements, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of sections of ships cf. 35.11<br></p>
- 2812 : Manufacture of builders' carpentry etc
<br>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of metal doors, windows and their frames, shutters and gates<br> </p>
- 2821 : Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of reservoirs, tanks, and similar containers of metal, of a capacity exceeding 300 litres<br>- manufacture of metal containers for compressed or liquefied gas</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of metal casks, drums, cans, pails, boxes, etc. of a capacity less than 300 litres cf. 28.7<br>- manufacture of transport containers cf. 34.20/2<br></p>
- 2822 : Manufacture: central heating boilers
- 2830 : Manufacture of steam generators
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of steam or other vapour generators<br>- manufacture of auxiliary plant for use with steam generators: condensers, economizers, super-heaters, steam collectors and accumulators<br>- manufacture of nuclear reactors</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- pipe system construction comprising further processing of tubes generally to make pressure pipes or pipe systems together with the associated design and construction work</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of isotope separators cf. 29.56<br><br></p>
- 2840 : Forging, pressing, stamping etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal<br>- powder metallurgy: production of metal objects directly from metal powders by heat treatment (sintering) or under pressure</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- production of finely ground metal powder cf. 27<br></p>
- 2851 : Treatment and coating of metals
<p>This class includes:<br>- plating, anodizing, etc. of metal<br>- heat treatment of metal<br>- deburring, sand blasting, tumbling, cleaning of metals<br>- colouring, engraving, printing of metal<br>- non-metallic coating of metal: plastifying, enamelling, lacquering, etc.<br>- hardening, buffing of metal<br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 2852 : General mechanical engineering
<p>This class includes:<br>- boring, turning, milling, eroding, planing, lapping, broaching, levelling, sawing, grinding, sharpening, welding, splicing, etc. of metal work pieces<br><br></p>
- 2861 : Manufacture of cutlery
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of domestic cutlery such as knifes, forks, spoons, etc.<br>- manufacture of various cutting articles:<br>. razors and razor blades<br>. scissors and hair clippers</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of cutting blades for machines cf. 28.62<br>- manufacture of hollowware, dinnerware or flatware cf. 28.75<br>- manufacture of cutlery of precious metal cf. 36.22<br></p>
- 2862 : Manufacture of tools
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of knifes and cutting blades for machines or for mechanical appliances<br>- manufacture of hand tools such as pliers, screwdrivers, etc.<br>- manufacture of saws and saw blades, including circular sawblades and chainsaw blades<br>- manufacture of interchangeable tools for hand tools, whether or not power operated, or for machine tools: drills, punches, dies, milling cutters<br>- manufacture of blacksmiths' tools: forges, anvils, etc.<br>- manufacture of vices, clamps</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of power driven hand tools cf. 29.40/9<br></p>
- 2863 : Manufacture of locks and hinges
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of padlocks, locks, keys, hinges and similar hardware for buildings, furniture, vehicles, etc.<br></p>
- 2871 : Manufacture of steel drums etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of iron or steel boxes of a capacity less than 300 litres<br>- manufacture of pails, cans, drums, buckets</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of tanks and reservoirs cf. 28.21<br></p>
- 2872 : Manufacture of light metal packaging
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of tins and cans for food products, collapsible tubes and boxes<br>- manufacture of metallic closures<br></p>
- 2873 : Manufacture of wire products
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of metal cable, plaited bands and similar articles<br>- manufacture of articles made of wire: barbed wire, wire fencing, grill, netting, cloth, etc.<br>- manufacture of nails and pins<br></p>
- 2874 : Manufacture of fasteners etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of rivets, washers and similar non-threaded products<br>- manufacture of screw machine products: bolts, screws, nuts<br>- manufacture of springs:<br>. leaf springs, helical springs, torsion bar springs<br>. leaves for springs<br>- manufacture of chain, except power transmission chain</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of power transmission chain cf. 29.14<br>- manufacture of clock or watch springs cf. 33.50<br></p>
- 2875 : Manufacture: other metal products nec
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of metal household articles:<br>. sauce-pans, frying pans and other non-electrical utensils for use at the table or in the kitchen<br>. base metal flat ware<br>. small kitchen appliances and accessories<br>. metal scouring pads<br>- manufacture of soldering equipment<br>- manufacture of baths, sinks, wash basins and similar articles of base metal<br>- manufacture of small metal goods for office use<br>- manufacture of safes, strong-boxes, armoured doors, etc.<br>- manufacture of cutlasses, swords, bayonets, etc.<br>- manufacture of ships' propellers<br>- manufacture of various articles in base metal:<br>. metal safety headgear<br>. clasps, buckles, hooks<br>. sign plates<br></p>
- 2911 : Manufacture of engines and turbines
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of internal combustion piston engines and parts thereof except aircraft, motor vehicle and cycle engines:<br>. marine engines and parts thereof<br>. railway engines and parts thereof<br>- manufacture of turbines and parts thereof:<br>. steam turbines and other vapour turbines<br>. hydraulic turbines, water-wheels and regulators thereof<br>. gas turbines</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- manufacture of inlet and exhaust valves of internal combustion engines</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of wind turbines cf. 29.12/2<br>- manufacture of electric generating sets cf. 31.10<br>- manufacture of electrical equipment and components of internal combustion engines cf. 31.61<br>- manufacture of motor vehicle, aircraft or cycle propulsion engines cf. 34.10, 35.30 35.41<br>- manufacture of turbo-jets and turbo-propellers cf. 35.30<br></p>
- 2912 : Manufacture of pumps and compressors
- 2913 : Manufacture of taps and valves
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of industrial taps and valves including regulating valves and intake taps<br>- manufacture of sanitary taps and valves<br>- manufacture of heating taps and valves</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of valves of unhardened vulcanised rubber, glass or of ceramic materials cf. 25.13 26.15 or 26.24<br>- manufacture of inlet and exhaust valves of internal combustion engines cf. 29.11, 34.10, 35.30<br></p>
- 2914 : Manufacture of bearings, gears etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of ball and roller bearings and parts thereof<br>- manufacture of mechanical power transmission equipment: <br>. transmission shafts and cranks: cam shafts, crank shafts, cranks, etc.<br>. bearing housings and plain shaft bearings<br>- manufacture of gears, gearing and gear boxes and other speed changers<br>- manufacture of clutches and shaft couplings<br>- manufacture of flywheels and pulleys<br>- manufacture of articulated link chain<br>- manufacture of hydraulic transmission equipment</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of other chain cf. 28.74<br>- manufacture of electromagnetic clutches cf. 31.62<br></p>
- 2921 : Manufacture of furnaces/furnace burners
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of electrical and other industrial and laboratory furnaces and ovens including incinerators<br>- manufacture of burners</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- manufacture of mechanical stokers, grates, ash dischargers, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of non-electric bakery ovens cf. 29.53<br>- manufacture of agricultural dryers cf. 29.53<br>- manufacture of dryers for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard cf. 29.56<br>- manufacture of household ovens cf. 29.7<br>- manufacture of medical, surgical or laboratory sterilisers cf. 33.10<br></p>
- 2922 : Manufacture: lifting/handling equipment
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of hand operated or power driven lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery:<br>. pulley tackle and hoists, winches, capstans and jacks<br>. derricks, cranes, mobile lifting frames, straddle carriers, etc.<br>. works trucks, whether or not fitted with lifting or handling equipment whether or not self-propelled, of the type used in factories<br>. mechanical manipulators and industrial robots specifically designed for lifting, handling, loading or unloading<br>- manufacture of conveyors, teleferics, etc.<br>- manufacture of lifts, escalators and moving walkways</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- maintenance of lifts and escalators</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of mechanical shovels, excavators and shovel loaders cf. 29.52/2<br>- manufacture of continuous-action elevators and conveyors for underground use cf. 29.52/1<br>- manufacture of industrial robots for multiple uses cf. 29.5<br>- manufacture of crane-lorries, floating cranes, railway cranes, cf. 34.10, 35.11, 35.20 <br></p>
- 2923 : Manufacture of ventilation equipment etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of refrigerating or freezing industrial equipment<br>- manufacture of air-conditioning machines<br>- manufacture of heat exchangers<br>- manufacture of non-domestic fans</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of agricultural dryers cf. 29.53<br>- manufacture of domestic refrigerating or freezing equipment cf. 29.71<br>- manufacture of domestic fans cf. 29.71<br></p>
- 2924 : Manufacture: other general machinery nec
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of weighing machinery (other than sensitive laboratory balances):<br>. household and shop scales, platform scales, scales for continuous weighing, weigh-bridges, weights, etc.<br>- manufacture of filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for liquids<br>- manufacture of equipment for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders: <br>. manufacture of spray guns, fire extinguishers, sand blasting machines, steam cleaning machines, etc.<br>- manufacture of packing and wrapping machinery: manufacture of filling, closing, sealing, capsuling or labelling machines, etc.<br>- manufacture of machinery for cleaning or drying bottles and for aerating beverages<br>- manufacture of distilling or rectifying plant for petroleum refineries, chemical industries, beverage industries, etc.<br>- manufacture of gas generators<br>- manufacture of calendering or other rolling machines and cylinders thereof<br>- manufacture of centrifuges<br>- manufacture of gaskets and similar joints made of a combination of materials or layers of the same material<br>- manufacture of automatic goods vending machines</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of agricultural spraying machinery cf. 29.32<br>- manufacture of metal or glass rolling machinery and cylinders thereof cf. 29.51, 29.56<br>- manufacture of cream separators cf. 29.53<br>- manufacture of domestic fans cf. 29.71<br>- manufacture of sensitive balances cf. 33.20<br></p>
- 2931 : Manufacture of agricultural tractors
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of tractors used in agriculture and forestry<br>- manufacture of walking (pedestrian controlled) tractors</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of road tractors for semi-trailers cf. 34.10<br>- manufacture of road trailers or semi-trailers cf. 34.20/2<br></p> <p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of tractors used in agriculture and forestry<br>- manufacture of walking (pedestrian controlled) tractors</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of road tractors for semi-trailers cf. 34.10<br>- manufacture of road trailers or semi-trailers cf. 34.20/2<br></p>
- 2932 : Manufacture: other agric/forest machines
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of mowers including lawn mowers<br>- manufacture of agricultural self-loading or self-unloading trailers or semi-trailers<br>- manufacture of agricultural machinery for soil preparation, planting or fertilizing:<br>. ploughs, manure spreaders, seeders, harrows, etc.<br>- manufacture of harvesting or threshing machinery:<br>. harvesters, threshers, sorters, etc.<br>- manufacture of milking machines<br>- manufacture of spraying machinery for agricultural use<br>- manufacture of diverse agricultural machinery: <br>. poultry keeping machinery, bee-keeping machinery, equipment for preparing fodder, etc.<br>. machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit, seed, grain, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of agricultural hand tools cf. 28.62<br>- manufacture of works trucks cf. 29.22<br>- manufacture of cream separators cf. 29.53<br>- manufacture of road trailers or semi-trailers cf. 34.20/2<br><br></p>
- 2940 : Manufacture of machine tools
- 2951 : Manufacture of machinery for metallurgy
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of machines and equipment for handling hot metals:<br>. converters, ingot moulds, ladles, casting machines<br>- manufacture of metal-rolling mills and rolls for such mills</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of draw-benches cf. 29.40<br>- manufacture of moulding boxes and moulds (except ingot moulds) and of machines for forming foundry moulds cf. 29.56<br><br></p>
- 2952 : Manufacture of machinery for mining etc
- 2953 : Manufacture of machinery for food etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of agricultural dryers<br>- manufacture of machinery for the dairy industry:<br>. cream separators<br>. milk processing machinery (homogenisers and irradiators)<br>. milk converting machinery (butter churns, butter workers and moulding machines)<br>. cheese-making machines (homogenisers, moulders, presses, etc.)<br>- manufacture of machinery for the grain milling industry:<br>. winnowers, sieving belts, cyclone separators, aspirator separators, grain brushing machines and the like; grinding mills, breading rolls or mills, feeders, sifters, bran cleaners, blenders, rice hullers, pea splitters<br>- manufacture of presses, crushers, etc. used to make wine, cider, fruit juices, etc.<br>- manufacture of machinery for the bakery industry or for making macaroni, spaghetti or similar products:<br>. manufacture of non-electric bakery ovens, dough mixers, dough-dividers, moulders, slicers, cake depositing machines, etc.<br>- manufacture of machines and equipment to process diverse food: <br>. machinery to make confectionery, cocoa or chocolate; to manufacture sugar; for breweries; to process meat or poultry; to prepare fruit, nuts or vegetables; to prepare fish, shell fish or other sea-food; other machinery for the industrial preparation or manufacture of food or drink<br>- manufacture of machinery for the extraction or preparation of animal or vegetable fats or oils<br>- manufacture of machinery for the preparation of tobacco and for the making of cigarettes or cigars, or for pipe or chewing tobacco or snuff<br>- manufacture of machinery for the preparation of food in hotels and restaurants</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of packing, wrapping and weighing machinery cf. 29.24<br>- manufacture of cleaning, sorting or grading machinery for eggs, fruit or other crops cf. 29.32<br></p>
- 2954 : Manufacture of machinery for textile etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of textile machinery:<br>. machines for preparing, producing, extruding, drawing, texturing or cutting man-made textile fibres, materials or yarns<br>. machines for preparing textile fibres: cotton gins, bale breakers, garnetters, cotton spreaders, wool scourers, wool carbonisers, combs, carders, roving frames, etc.<br>. spinning machines <br>. machines for preparing textile yarns: reelers, warpers and related machines<br>. weaving machines (looms) including hand looms<br>. knitting machines<br>. machines for making knotted net, tulle, lace, braid, etc.<br>- manufacture of auxiliary machines or equipment for textile machinery: <br>. Dobbies, Jacquards, automatic stop motions, shuttle changing mechanisms, spindles and spindle flyers, etc.<br>- manufacture of machinery for fabric processing:<br>. machinery for washing, bleaching, dyeing, dressing, finishing, coating or impregnating textile fabrics <br>. manufacture of machines for reeling, unreeling, folding, cutting or pinking textile fabrics <br>- manufacture of laundry machinery:<br>. ironing machines including fusing presses <br>. laundry-type washing and drying machines <br>. dry cleaning machines<br>- manufacture of sewing machines, sewing machine heads and sewing machine needles<br>- manufacture of machines for producing or finishing felt or nonwovens<br>- manufacture of leather machines: <br>. machinery for preparing, tanning or working hides, skins or leather<br>. machinery for making or repairing footwear or other articles of hides, skins, leather or furskins</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of paper or paperboard cards for use on Jacquard machines cf. 21.25<br>- manufacture of ironing machines of the calender type cf. 29.24<br>- manufacture of machines used in bookbinding cf. 29.56<br>- manufacture of domestic washing and drying machines cf. 29.71<br><br></p>
- 2955 : Manufacture of machinery for paper etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of machinery for making paper pulp<br>- manufacture of paper and paperboard making machinery<br>- manufacture of machinery producing articles of paper or paperboard<br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 2956 : Manufacture: other special machinery nec
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of machinery for working soft rubber or plastics or for the manufacture of products of these materials:<br>. extruders, moulders, pneumatic tyre making or retreading machines and other machines for making a specific rubber or plastic product<br>- manufacture of printing and bookbinding machines<br>- manufacture of machinery for producing tiles, bricks, shaped ceramic pastes, pipes, graphite electrodes, blackboard chalk, foundry moulds, etc.<br>- manufacture of moulding boxes for any material; mould bases; moulding patterns; moulds<br>- manufacture of diverse special machinery and equipment: machines to assemble electric or electronic lamps, tubes (valves) or bulbs; machines for production or hot-working of glass or glassware, glass fibre or yarn; machinery or apparatus for isotopic separation; rope-making machinery, etc.<br>- manufacture of centrifugal clothes dryers<br>- manufacture of dryers for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard<br>- manufacture of industrial robots for multiple uses</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of mechanical manipulators and industrial robots specifically designed for lifting, handling, loading or unloading cf. 29.22<br>- manufacture of machinery or equipment to work hard rubber, hard plastics or cold glass cf. 29.40/9<br>- manufacture of household appliances cf. 29.7<br><br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 2960 : Manufacture of weapons and ammunition
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of tanks and other fighting vehicles<br>- manufacture of artillery material and ballistic missiles<br>- manufacture of small arms<br>- manufacture of war ammunition</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- manufacture of explosive devices such as bombs, mines and torpedoes<br>- manufacture of hunting, sporting or protective firearms and ammunition</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of percussion caps, detonators or signalling flares cf. 24.61<br>- manufacture of cutlasses, swords, bayonets, etc. cf. 28.75<br>- manufacture of armoured vehicles for the transport of bank notes or valuables cf. 34.10<br><br></p> <p><br> </p> <p><br> </p>
- 2971 : Manufacture: elec. domestic appliances
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of domestic electric appliances: refrigerators and freezers, dishwashers, washing and drying machines, vacuum cleaners, floor polishers, waste disposers, grinders, blenders, juice squeezers, tin openers, electric shavers, electric tooth brushes, knife sharpeners, ventilating or recycling hoods<br>- manufacture of domestic electro-thermic appliances: electric water heaters; electric blankets, electric dryers, combs, brushes, curlers; electric smoothing irons; space heaters and household type fans; electric ovens, micro-wave ovens, cookers, hot plates, toasters, coffee or tea makers, frying- pans, roasters, grills, electric heating resistors, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of sewing machines cf. 29.54<br> </p> <p><br> </p>
- 2972 : Manufacture: non-elec. domes. appliances
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of non-electric domestic cooking and heating equipment:<br>. non-electric space heaters, cooking ranges, grates, stoves, water heaters, cooking appliances, plate warmers</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of machinery for the preparation of food in commercial kitchens cf. 29.53<br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 3001 : Manufacture of office machinery
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of manual or electric typewriters <br>- manufacture of word-processing machines<br>- manufacture of hectograph or stencil duplicating machines, addressing machines and sheet fed office type offset printing machines<br>- manufacture of calculating machines, cash registers, postage franking machines, special terminals for issuing of tickets and reservations, etc.<br>- manufacture of diverse office machinery or equipment:<br>. machines that sort, wrap or count coins; automatic banknote dispensers; machines that stuff envelopes, sort mail; pencil sharpening machines; perforating or stapling machines, etc.<br></p> <p> </p>
- 3002 : Manufacture of computers etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of automatic data processing machines including micro-computers:<br>. digital machines<br>. analogue machines<br>. hybrid machines<br>- manufacture of peripheral units:<br>. printers, terminals, etc.<br>. magnetic or optical readers<br>. machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of electronic parts found in computing machinery cf. 32.10<br>- manufacture of electronic games cf. 36.50<br>- repair and maintenance of computer systems cf. 72.50<br></p>
- 3110 : Manufacture: electric motors/generators
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of AC motors<br>- manufacture of AC generators<br>- manufacture of universal AC/DC motors<br>- manufacture of DC motors or generators<br>- manufacture of AC or DC generator sets<br>- manufacture of electric rotary or static converters<br>- manufacture of electrical transformers</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of vehicle generators and cranking motors cf. 31.61<br>- manufacture of diode valves cf. 32.10<br></p>
- 3120 : Manufacture: elect. distrib. apparatus
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or in electrical circuits: manufacture of switches, fuses, lightning arresters, voltage limiters, surge suppressors, plugs, junction boxes, relays, sockets, lamp holders<br>- manufacture of electric control or distribution boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and other bases</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of fuse wire or strip cf. 27.<br>- manufacture of carbon or graphite electrodes cf. 31.62<br>- manufacture of boards, panels, consoles, etc. for use in line telephony or line telegraphy cf. 32.20/1<br></p>
- 3130 : Manufacture of insulated wire and cable
<br>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of insulated wire, cable, strip and other insulated conductors whether or not fitted with connectors<br>- manufacture of optical fibre cables for coded data transmission: telecommunications, video, control, data, etc. <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of uninsulated non-ferrous metal wire cf. 27.4<br>- manufacture of uninsulated metal cable or insulated cable not capable of being used as a conductor of electricity cf. 28.73<br>- manufacture of wiring sets cf. 31.61<br>- manufacture of optical fibres and optical fibre cables for live transmission of images: endoscopy, lighting, live images cf. 33.40/1<br></p>
- 3140 : Manufacture of accumulators etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of primary cells and primary batteries<br>- manufacture of electric accumulators, including parts thereof<br></p>
- 3150 : Manufacture of lighting equipment etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of electric filament or discharge lamps:<br>. ultra-violet or infra-red lamps<br>. arc lamps<br>. flashbulbs, flashcubes, etc.<br>- manufacture of electric lamps and lighting fittings:<br>. chandeliers, table, desk, bedside or floor-standing lamps, even non-electric<br>. portable electric lamps<br>. illuminated signs and name-plates, etc.<br>. outdoor and road lighting<br>. lighting sets of a kind used for Christmas trees<br></p>
- 3161 : Manuf: elect. equipment for engines nec
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of electrical ignition or starting equipment for internal combustion engines: ignition magnetos, magneto-dynamos, ignition coils, sparking plugs, glow plugs, starter motors, generators (dynamos, alternators), voltage regulators, etc.<br>- manufacture of electrical lighting and sound or visual signalling equipment for cycles and motor vehicles: lamps, horns, sirens, etc.<br>- manufacture of wiring sets<br>- manufacture of windscreen wipers and electrical defrosters and demisters<br>- manufacture of dynamos for cycles<br></p>
- 3162 : Manufacture of electrical equipment nec
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of electrical signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for motorways, roads or streets, railways and tramways, inland waterways, ports and harbours and airports<br>- manufacture of diverse electrical sound or visual signalling apparatus: <br>. bells, sirens, indicator panels, burglar and fire alarms, etc.<br>- manufacture of electromagnets including electromagnetic or permanent magnet chucks, clutches, brakes, couplings, clamps or lifting heads<br>- manufacture of electrical insulators and insulating fittings, except of glass or ceramics <br>- manufacture of insulating fittings for electrical machines or equipment, except of ceramics or plastics <br>- manufacture of carbon or graphite electrodes<br>- manufacture of electrical conduit tubing and joints for such tubing, of base metal lined with insulating material<br>- manufacture of diverse electrical machines and apparatus: manufacture of particle accelerators, signal generators, mine detectors, electrical detonators, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of glass envelopes for lamps cf. 26.15<br>- manufacture of hand-held electrically operated spray guns cf. 29.24<br>- manufacture of electric lawn mowers cf. 29.32<br>- manufacture of electric shavers cf. 29.71<br>- manufacture of electronic valves and tubes (including cold cathode valves) cf. 32.10<br>- manufacture of electrically operated hand-held medical or dental instruments cf. 33.10<br></p>
- 3210 : Manufacture of electronic valves etc
BR>- manufacture of thermionic, cold cathode or photo-cathode valves or tubes: <br>. television picture tubes, television camera tubes, image converters and intensifiers, microwave tubes, receiver or amplifier valves or tubes, etc.<br>- manufacture of diodes, transistors and similar semi-conductor devices <br>- manufacture of photosensitive semi-conductor devices including photo-voltaic cells<br>- manufacture of mounted piezo-electric crystals<br>- manufacture of electronic integrated circuits and micro-assemblies: <br>. monolithic integrated circuits, hybrid integrated circuits and electronic micro-assemblies of moulded module, micro module or similar types<br>- manufacture of printed circuits<br>- manufacture of electrical capacitors (or condensers), including power capacitors<br>- manufacture of resistors including rheostats and potentiometers</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of heating resistors cf. 29.71<br>- manufacture of transformers cf. 31.10<br>- manufacture of switches cf. 31.20<br></p>
- 3220 : Manufacture of TV/radio transmitters etc
- 3230 : Manufacture of TV/radio receivers etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of television receivers including video monitors and video projectors<br>- manufacture of video recording or reproducing apparatus including camcorders<br>- manufacture of radio-broadcasting receivers<br>- manufacture of magnetic tape recorders and other sound recording apparatus including telephone answering machines, cassette-type recorders, etc.<br>- manufacture of turn-tables (record decks), record players, cassette players, CD players, etc.<br>- manufacture of microphones, loudspeakers, headphones, earphones, amplifiers and sound amplifier sets<br>- manufacture of pick-ups, tone arms, sound-heads, tables for turn-tables, record cutters, aerials, aerial reflectors and aerial rotors, cable converters, TV decoders</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- manufacture of sound electro acoustic apparatus including door intercoms, command transmitter intercoms, simultaneous interpretation apparatus, electronic voting systems, conference systems, paging devices, portable sound systems<br>- manufacture of furniture specially designed as parts of radios, tv-sets, loudspeakers, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- publishing and reproduction of pre-recorded audio and video discs and tapes cf. 22.1, 22.3<br>- manufacture of prepared unrecorded media cf. 24.65<br></p>
- 3310 : Manuf: medical/surgical equipment etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of instruments and appliances used for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary purposes:<br>. electro-diagnostic apparatus such as electrocardiographs, ultrasonic diagnostic equipment, scintillation scanners, nuclear magnetic resonance apparatus, dental drill engines, sterilizers, ophthalmic instruments<br>- manufacture of syringes, needles used in medicine, mirrors, reflectors, endoscopes, etc.<br>- manufacture of apparatus based on the use of X-rays or alpha, beta or gamma radiation whether or not for use in human or animal medicine: <br>. X-ray tubes, high tension generators, control panels, desks, screens, etc.<br>- manufacture of medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture:<br>. operating tables, hospital beds with mechanical fittings, dentists' chairs<br>- manufacture of mechano-therapy appliances, massage apparatus, psychological testing apparatus, ozone therapy, oxygen therapy, artificial respiration apparatus, gas masks, etc.<br>- manufacture of orthopaedic appliances: <br>. crutches, surgical belts and trusses, splints, artificial teeth, artificial limbs and other artificial parts of the body, hearing aids, pace-makers, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of cement used in dentistry cf. 24.42/2<br>- manufacture of thermometers cf. 33.20<br>- manufacture of corrective spectacle lenses and of their frames cf. 33.40/1, or of optical microscopes cf. 33.40/2<br></p>
- 3320 : Manuf: instruments for measuring etc
- 3330 : Manuf: industrial process control equip.
- 3340 : Manufacture of optical instruments etc
- 3350 : Manufacture of watches and clocks
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of clocks and watches of all kinds, including instrument panel clocks; watch and clock cases, including cases of noble metals; movements of all kinds for watches and clocks<br>- manufacture of time recording equipment and equipment for measuring, recording and otherwise displaying intervals of time, e.g. parking meters, process timers, time switches and other releases<br>- manufacture of components for clocks and watches, such as springs, jewels, dials, hands, metal watch bands and bracelets, plates, bridges and other parts</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of non-metallic watch bands cf. 19.20<br></p>
- 3410 : Manufacture of motor vehicles
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of passenger cars<br>- manufacture of commercial vehicles:<br>. vans, lorries, over-the-road tractors for semi-trailers, dumpers for off road use, etc.<br>- manufacture of buses, trolley-buses and coaches<br>- manufacture of motor vehicle engines<br>- manufacture of chassis fitted with engines <br>- manufacture of other motor vehicles:<br>. snow mobiles, golf carts, amphibious vehicles<br>. fire engines, street sweepers, travelling libraries and banks, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of agricultural and industrial tractors cf. 29.31, 29.52/2<br>- manufacture of electrical parts for motor vehicles cf. 31.61<br>- manufacture of bodies for motor vehicles cf. 34.20/1<br>- manufacture of parts and accessories of motor vehicles cf. 34.30<br>- maintenance, repair and alteration of motor vehicles cf. 50.20<br></p>
- 3420 : Manufacture of motor vehicles bodies etc
- 3430 : Manufacture of parts for motor vehicles
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of diverse parts and accessories of motor vehicles:<br>. brakes, gear boxes, axles, road wheels, suspension shock absorbers, radiators, silencers, exhaust pipes, catalysers, clutches, steering wheels, steering columns and steering boxes<br>- manufacture of parts and accessories of bodies for motor vehicles: <br>. safety belts, doors, bumpers</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of batteries for vehicles cf. 31.40<br>- manufacture of electrical equipment for motor vehicles cf. 31.61<br>- maintenance, repair and alteration of motor vehicles cf. 50.20<br></p>
- 3511 : Building and repairing of ships
<p>This class includes:<br>- building of commercial vessels: passenger vessels, ferry-boats, cargo ships, tankers, etc.<br>- building of warships<br>- building of fishing boats</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- construction of hovercraft<br>- construction of drilling platforms, floating or submersible<br>- construction of floating structures: <br>. floating docks, pontoons, coffer-dams, floating landing stages, buoys, floating tanks, barges, lighters, etc.<br>- maintenance, repair or alteration of ships<br>- shipbreaking</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of ships' propellers cf. 28.75<br>- manufacture of marine engines cf. 29.11<br>- manufacture of navigational instruments cf. 33.20<br></p>
- 3512 : Building repairing of pleasure boats etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- building of inflatables<br>- building of sailboats with or without auxiliary motor<br>- building of motor boats<br>- building of other pleasure and sporting boats:<br>. canoes, kayaks, skiffs </p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of marine engines cf. 29.11<br>- manufacture of sailboards cf. 36.40<br></p>
- 3520 : Manufacture: railway/tramway vehicles
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of electric and diesel rail locomotives <br>- manufacture of self-propelled railway or tramway coaches, vans and trucks, maintenance or service vehicles <br>- manufacture of railway or tramway rolling stock, not self-propelled: <br>. passenger coaches, goods vans, tank wagons, self-discharging vans and wagons, and workshop vans, crane vans, tenders, etc.<br>- manufacture of specialised parts of railway or tramway locomotives or of rolling-stock:<br>. bogies, axles and wheels, brakes and parts of brakes; hooks and coupling devices, buffers and buffer parts; shock absorbers; wagon and locomotive frames; bodies; corridor connections; etc.<br>- manufacture of mechanical and electro-mechanical signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways, tramways, roads, inland waterways, parking facilities, port installations or airfields:<br>. signal box equipment, point locks, railbrakes, automatic fog-signalling apparatus, level crossing control gear, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of unassembled rails cf. 27.10<br>- manufacture of engines and turbines cf. 29.11<br>- manufacture of electric motors cf. 31.10<br>- manufacture of electrical signalling, safety or traffic control equipment cf. 31.62<br><br></p>
- 3530 : Manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of aeroplanes for the transport of goods or passengers, for use by the defence forces, for sport or other purposes<br>- manufacture of helicopters<br>- manufacture of gliders, hang gliders<br>- manufacture of dirigibles and balloons<br>- manufacture of spacecraft and spacecraft launch vehicles, satellites, planetary probes, orbital stations, shuttles<br>- manufacture of parts and accessories of the aircraft of this class:<br>. major assemblies such as fuselages, wings, doors, control surfaces, landing gear, fuel tanks, nacelles, etc.<br>. airscrews, helicopter rotors and propelled rotor blades<br>. motors and engines of a kind typically found on aircraft<br>. parts of turbo-jets and turbo-propellers<br>- manufacture of aircraft launching gear, deck arresters, etc.<br>- manufacture of ground flying trainers</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of parachutes cf. 17.40/2<br>- manufacture of military ballistic missiles cf. 29.60<br>- manufacture of ignition parts and other electrical parts for internal combustion engines cf.31.6<br>- manufacture of instruments used on aircraft cf. 33.20<br>- manufacture of air navigation systems cf. 33.20<br><br></p>
- 3541 : Manufacture of motorcycles
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of motorcycles, mopeds and cycles fitted with an auxiliary engine <br>- manufacture of engines for motorcycles<br>- manufacture of side-cars<br>- manufacture of parts and accessories for motorcycles</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of parts of motorcycle engines cf. 34.3<br>- manufacture of bicycles or invalid carriages cf. 35.42 35.43<br><br></p>
- 3542 : Manufacture of bicycles
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of non-motorised bicycles and other cycles (including delivery tricycles)<br>- manufacture of parts and accessories of bicycles</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of bicycles with auxiliary motor cf. 35.41<br>- manufacture of children's cycles other than bicycles cf. 36.50/9<br><br></p>
- 3543 : Manufacture of invalid carriages
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of invalid carriages with or without motor<br>- manufacture of parts and accessories of invalid carriages<br><br></p>
- 3550 : Manufacture of transport equipment nec
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of wheelbarrows, luggage trucks, hand-carts, etc.<br>- manufacture of vehicles drawn by animals<br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 3611 : Manufacture of chairs and seats
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of chairs and seats for offices, workrooms and domestic premises, of any material<br>- manufacture of chairs and seats for theatres, cinemas and the like, of any material<br>- manufacture of chairs and seats for transport equipment, of any material</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- finishing such as upholstery of chairs and seats</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture cf. 33.10<br> </p>
- 3612 : Manufacture: other office/shop furniture
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of special furniture for shops: counters, display cases, shelves, etc.<br>- manufacture of furniture for workrooms, restaurants, schools, churches, etc.<br>- manufacture of office furniture</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of lighting fittings or lamps cf. 31.50<br>- manufacture of medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture cf. 33.10<br><br></p>
- 3613 : Manufacture of other kitchen furniture
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of fitted kitchen furniture</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- manufacture of bathroom furniture<br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 3614 : Manufacture of other furniture
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of furniture for bedrooms, living rooms, gardens, etc.</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- finishing of furniture such as spraying, painting, French polishing and upholstering</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of furniture specially designed as parts of refrigerators cf. 29.23 and 29.71, sewing machines cf. 29.54, radios, tv sets, loudspeakers cf. 32.30, etc.<br>- manufacture of lighting fittings or lamps cf. 31.50<br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 3615 : Manufacture of mattresses
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of mattress supports<br>- manufacture of mattresses: <br>. manufacture of mattresses fitted with springs or stuffed or internally fitted with a supporting material<br>. manufacture of uncovered cellular rubber or plastic mattresses</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of pillows, pouffes, cushions cf. 17.40/1, and quilts and eiderdowns cf. 17.40/3<br>- manufacture of inflatable mattresses cf. 25.13<br><br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 3621 : Striking of coins and medals
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of coins including coins for use as legal tender, medals and medallions, whether or not of precious metal<br></p> <p><br> </p> <p><br> </p>
- 3622 : Manufacture of jewellery nec
<p>This class includes:<br>- production of worked pearls<br>- production of precious and semi-precious stones in the worked state. Included is the working of industrial quality stones and synthetic or reconstructed precious or semi-precious stones<br>- working of diamonds<br>- manufacture of jewellery of precious metal or of base metals clad with precious metals, or precious or semi-precious stones, or of combinations of precious metal and precious or semi-precious stones or of other materials<br>- manufacture of goldsmiths' articles of precious metals or of base metals clad with precious metals:<br>. dinnerware, flatware, hollowware, toilet articles, office or desk articles, articles for religious use, etc.</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- engraving on objects of precious metals</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of articles of base metal plated with precious metal cf. 28<br>- manufacture of watch cases and metal straps cf. 33.50<br>- manufacture of imitation jewellery cf. 36.61 </p> <p><br> </p>
- 3630 : Manufacture of musical instruments
<p>This class includes:<br>- manufacture of stringed instruments<br>- manufacture of keyboard stringed instruments, including automatic pianos<br>- manufacture of keyboard pipe organs including harmoniums and similar keyboard instruments with free metal reeds<br>- manufacture of accordions and similar instruments including mouth organs<br>- manufacture of wind instruments<br>- manufacture of percussion musical instruments<br>- manufacture of musical instruments, the sound of which is produced electronically<br>- manufacture of musical boxes, fairground organs, calliopes, etc.<br>- manufacture of instrument parts and accessories:<br>. metronomes, tuning forks, pitch pipes, cards, discs and rolls for automatic mechanical instruments, etc.<br>This class also includes:<br>- manufacture of whistles, call horns and other mouth blown sound signalling instruments</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- publishing and reproduction of pre-recorded tapes and discs cf. 22.1, 22.3<br>- manufacture of microphones, amplifiers, loudspeakers, head-phones and similar components cf. 32.3<br>- manufacture of record players, tape recorders and the like cf. 32.30<br>- manufacture of toy instruments cf. 36.50/9<br><br></p> <p> </p>
- 3640 : Manufacture of sports goods
<p> This class includes:<br>- manufacture of articles and equipment for sports, outdoor and indoor games:<br>. hard, soft and inflatable balls<br>. rackets, bats and clubs<br>. skis, bindings and poles<br>. sailboards<br>. requisites for sport fishing including landing nets<br>. requisites for hunting, mountain climbing, etc.<br>. leather sports gloves and sports headgear<br>. basins for swimming and paddling pools, etc.<br>. ice-skates, roller-skates, etc.<br>. bows and crossbows<br>. gymnasium or athletic equipment</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of boat sails cf. 17.40/2<br>- manufacture of sport clothing cf. 18<br>- manufacture of saddlery and harness cf. 19.20<br>- manufacture of sports footwear cf. 19.30<br>- manufacture of weapons and ammunition cf. 29.60<br>- manufacture of sports vehicles other than toboggans and the like cf. divisions 34.35<br>- manufacture of boats cf. 35.12<br>- manufacture of billiard tables and bowling equipment cf. 36.50/1<br>- manufacture of whips and riding crops cf. 36.63/9<br><br></p> <p><br> </p> <p> </p>
- 3650 : Manufacture of games and toys
- 3661 : Manufacture of imitation jewellery
- 3662 : Manufacture of brooms and brushes
- 3663 : Other manufacturing nec
- 3710 : Recycling of metal waste and scrap
<p>This class includes: <br>- processing of metal waste and scrap and of metal articles, whether or not used, into secondary raw material. Typical is that, in terms of commodities, input consists of waste and scrap, the input being sorted or unsorted but always unfit for further direct use in an industrial process whereas the output is made fit for further processing and is to be considered then as an intermediate good. A process is required, either mechanical or chemical.</p> <p>Examples are:<br>- mechanical crushing of metal waste such as used cars, washing machines, bikes, etc. with subsequent sorting and separation<br>- mechanical reduction of large iron pieces such as railway wagons<br>- stripping of used goods such as cars in order to obtain reusable parts<br>- stripping of used goods such as cars or refrigerators to eliminate harmful waste (oil, cooling liquid, fuel, etc.)</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of new products from secondary raw material cf. divisions 27.36<br>- wholesale in waste and scrap including collecting, sorting, packing, dealing, etc. without an industrial process cf. 51.57 <br>- wholesale or retail sale trade in second hand goods cf. 51, 52.50<br><br></p> <p><br> </p> <p><br> </p> <p> </p>
- 3720 : Recycling of non-metal waste and scrap
<p>This class includes:<br>- processing of non-metal waste and scrap and of non-metal articles, whether or not used, into secondary raw material. Typical is that, in terms of commodities, input consists of waste and scrap, the input being sorted or unsorted but always unfit for further direct use in an industrial process whereas the output is made fit for further processing and is to be considered then as an intermediate good. A process is required, either mechanical or chemical. </p> <p>Examples are:<br>- reclaiming of rubber such as used tyres to produce secondary raw material<br>- sorting and pelleting of plastics to produce secondary raw material for tubes, flower pots, pallets and the like<br>- reclaiming of chemicals from chemical waste<br>- crushing, cleaning and sorting of glass<br>- crushing, cleaning and sorting of other waste such as demolition waste to obtain secondary raw materials<br><br>This class excludes:<br>- treatment of food, beverages' and tobacco waste cf. divisions 15.16<br>- production of new products from secondary raw material such as spinning of yarn from garneted stock or making pulp from waste paper or retreading tyres should be classified in the appropriate class of manufacturing<br>- processing of depleted thorium or uranium cf. 23.30<br>- wholesale in waste and scrap including collecting, sorting, packing, dealing, etc. without an industrial process cf. 51.57<br>- wholesale or retail sale trade in second hand goods cf. 51, 52.50<br><br></p> <p><br> </p> <p><br> </p> <p><br> </p> <p> </p>
- 4010 : Production/distribution of electricity
- 4020 : Manufacture/distribution of gas
<p>This class includes:<br>- transportation, distribution and supply of gaseous fuels of all kinds through a system of mains<br>- manufacture of gaseous fuels with a specified calorific value, by purification, blending and other processes from gases of various types<br>- production of gas for the purpose of gas supply by carbonation of coal, from by-products of agriculture or from waste</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- operation of coke ovens cf. 23.10<br>- manufacture of refined petroleum products cf. 23.20<br>- manufacture of technical gases cf. 24.11<br>- retailing of appliances in gas showrooms cf. 52.44<br>- transportation of gases by pipelines (other than mains) cf. 60.30<br></p> <p><br> </p> <p><br> </p> <p><br> </p> <p> </p>
- 4030 : Steam and hot water supply
<p>This class includes:<br>- production, collection and distribution of steam and hot water for heating, power and other purposes</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- production and distribution of chilled water for cooling purposes<br><br> </p> <p><br> </p> <p> </p>
- 4100 : Collection/purification etc of water
<p>This class includes:<br>- collection, purification and distribution of water<br>- desalting of sea water to produce water as the principal product of interest</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- irrigation system operation for agricultural purposes cf. 01.41<br>- treatment of waste water solely in order to prevent pollution cf. 90.00<br></p> <p> </p> <p><br> </p> <p> </p>
- 4511 : Demolition and wrecking of buildings
<p>This class includes:<br>- demolition or wrecking of buildings and other structures<br>- clearing of building sites<br>- earthmoving: excavation, landfill, levelling and grading of construction sites, trench digging, rock removal, blasting, etc.<br>- site preparation for mining: overburden removal and other development and preparation of mineral properties and sites</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- building site drainage<br>- drainage of agricultural or forestry land<br></p> <p><br> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><br> </p> <p> </p> <p><br> </p> <p> </p>
- 4512 : Test drilling and boring
<p>This class includes:<br>- test drilling, test boring and core sampling for construction, geophysical, geological or any other similar purpose</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- drilling of production oil or gas wells cf. 11.20<br>- test drilling and boring incidental to petroleum and gas extraction cf. 11.20<br>- shaft sinking cf. 45.25<br>- water well drilling cf. 45.25<br>- oil and gas field exploration, geophysical, geological and seismic surveying cf. 74.20/6<br> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><br> </p> <p> </p> <p><br> </p> <p> </p>
- 4521 : General construction of buildings etc
- 4522 : Erection of roof covering and frames
<p>This class includes:<br>- erection of roofs<br>- roof covering<br>- waterproofing<br></p> <p><br> </p> <p> </p> <p><br> </p> <p> </p>
- 4523 : Construction of highways, roads etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- construction of highways, streets, roads, other vehicular and pedestrian ways<br>- construction of railways<br>- construction of airfield runways<br>- construction work other than of buildings for stadiums, swimming pools, gymnasiums, tennis courts, golf courses and other sports installations<br>- painting of markings on road surfaces and parking lots</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- preliminary earth moving cf. 45.11<br><br></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><br> </p> <p> </p>
- 4524 : Construction of water projects
<p>This class includes:<br>- construction of:<br>. waterways, harbour and river works, pleasure ports (marinas), locks, etc.<br>. dams and dykes<br>- dredging<br>- sub-surface work<br></p> <p><br> </p> <p> </p>
- 4525 : Other constr. involving special trades
<p>This class includes:<br>- construction activities specialising in one aspect common to different kinds of structures, requiring specialised skills or equipment:<br>. construction of foundations, including pile driving<br>. water well drilling and construction, shaft sinking<br>. erection of not self-manufactured steel elements<br>. steel bending<br>. brick laying and stone setting<br>. scaffolds and work platform erecting and dismantling, including renting of scaffolds and work platforms<br>. erection of chimneys and industrial ovens</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- renting of scaffolds without erection and dismantling cf. 71.32<br><br></p>
- 4531 : Installation: electrical wires/fittings
<p>This class includes:<br>- installation in buildings or other construction projects of:<br>. electrical wiring and fittings<br>. telecommunication systems<br>. electrical heating systems<br>. lifts and escalators<br>. fire alarms<br>. burglar alarm systems<br>. residential antennas and aerials<br>. lightning conductors, etc.<br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 4532 : Insulation work activities
<p>This class includes:<br>- installation in buildings or other construction projects of thermal, sound or vibration insulation</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- waterproofing cf. 45.22<br></p>
- 4533 : Plumbing
<p>This class includes:<br>- installation in buildings or other construction projects of:<br>. plumbing and sanitary equipment<br>. gas fittings<br>. heating, ventilation, refrigeration or air conditioning equipment and ducts<br>. sprinkler systems </p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- installation of electrical heating systems cf. 45.31<br><br></p>
- 4534 : Other building installation
<p>This class includes:<br>- installation of illumination and signalling systems for roads, railways, airports and harbours<br>- installation in buildings or other construction projects of fittings and fixtures not elsewhere classified<br><br></p>
- 4541 : Plastering
<p>This class includes:<br>- application in buildings or other construction projects of interior and exterior plaster or stucco including related lathing materials<br></p>
- 4542 : Joinery installation
<p>This class includes:<br>- installation of not self-manufactured doors, windows, door and window frames, fitted kitchens, staircases, shop fittings and the like, of wood or other materials<br>- interior completion such as ceilings, wooden wall coverings, movable partitions, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- laying of parquet and other wood floor coverings cf. 45.43<br></p>
- 4543 : Floor and wall covering
<p>This class includes:<br>- laying, tiling, hanging or fitting in buildings or other construction projects of:<br>. ceramic, concrete or cut stone wall or floor tiles<br>. parquet and other wood floor coverings<br>. carpets and linoleum floor coverings including of rubber or plastic<br>. terrazzo, marble, granite or slate floor or wall coverings<br>. wallpaper<br></p>
- 4544 : Painting and glazing
<p>This class includes:<br>- interior and exterior painting of buildings<br>- painting of civil engineering structures<br>- installation of glass, mirrors, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- installation of windows cf. 45.42<br><br></p>
- 4545 : Other building completion
<p>This class includes:<br>- installation of private swimming pools<br>- steam cleaning, sandblasting and similar activities for building exteriors<br>- other building completion and finishing work not elsewhere classified</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- interior cleaning of buildings and other structures cf. 74.70<br><br></p>
- 4550 : Renting: construction equip. & operator
<p>This class excludes:<br>- renting of construction or demolition machinery and equipment without operators cf. 71.32<br><br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 5010 : Sale of motor vehicles
- 5020 : Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
<p>This class includes:<br>- maintenance and repair of motor vehicles:<br>. mechanical repairs<br>. electrical repairs<br>. ordinary servicing<br>. bodywork repair<br>. repair of motor vehicle parts<br>. washing, polishing, etc.<br>. spraying and painting<br>. repair of screens and windows<br>- tyre and tube repair, fitting or replacement<br>- anti-rust treatment<br>- towing<br>- installation of parts and accessories<br>- roadside assistance</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- retreading and rebuilding of tyres cf. 25.12<br>- maintenance and repair of caravans cf. 34.20/3<br>- maintenance and repair of containers for carriage by one or more modes of transport cf. 34.20/2<br><br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 5030 : Sale of motor vehicle parts/accessories
- 5040 : Sale/maintenance/repair of motorcycles
<p>This class includes:<br>- wholesale and retail sale of motorcycles including mopeds<br>- wholesale and retail sale of parts and accessories for motorcycles<br>- activities of commission agents - maintenance and repair of motorcycles</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- sale, maintenance and repair of bicycles and related parts and accessories cf. 51.18, 51.47/9, 52.48/5, 52.74<br> </p>
- 5050 : Retail sale of automotive fuel
<p>This class includes:<br>- retail sale of fuel for motor vehicles and motorcycles</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- retail sale of lubricating products and cooling products for motor vehicles</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- wholesale of fuels cf. 51.51<br></p>
- 5111 : Agents: sale of agric. raw materials etc
- 5112 : Agents: sale of fuels, ores, metals etc
- 5113 : Agents: sale of timber/building material
- 5114 : Agents: sale of machinery etc
<p>This class also includes:<br>- agents involved in the sale of agricultural machinery<br>- agents involved in the sale of office machinery<br></p>
- 5115 : Agents: sale of furniture etc
- 5116 : Agents: sale of textiles, clothing etc
<p>This class also includes:<br>- agents involved in the sale of fur<br></p>
- 5117 : Agents: sale of food/beverages/tobacco
- 5118 : Agents: sale of particular products nec
<p>This class also includes:<br>- agents involved in the sale of bicycles<br></p> <p> <br> </p>
- 5119 : Agents: sale of a variety of goods
- 5121 : Wholesale of grain/seeds/animal feeds
P>This class also includes:<br>- wholesale of seed potatoes<br>- wholesale of tulip bulbs<br>- wholesale of feed for farm animals<br></p>
- 5122 : Wholesale of flowers and plants
<p>This class excludes:<br>- wholesale of textile fibres cf. 51.56<br> </p>
- 5123 : Wholesale of live animals
- 5124 : Wholesale of hides, skins and leather
- 5125 : Wholesale of unmanufactured tobacco
- 5131 : Wholesale of fruit and vegetables
<p>This class includes:<br>- wholesale of unprocessed fruit and vegetables including potatoes<br>- wholesale of herbs<br></p> <p> </p>
- 5132 : Wholesale of meat and meat products
<p>This class includes:<br>- wholesale of meat, poultry meat, game meat, processed meat and meat products<br></p>
- 5133 : Wholesale of dairy produce/eggs/fats etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- wholesale of dairy produce<br>- wholesale of eggs and egg products<br>- wholesale of edible oils and fats of animal and vegetable origin<br></p>
- 5134 : Wholesale of alcoholic/other beverages
<p>This class also includes:<br>- buying of wine in bulk and bottling without transformation<br>- buying of wine in bulk with blending, purification, bottling and resale<br></p>
- 5135 : Wholesale of tobacco products
- 5136 : Wholesale of sugar/chocolate etc
- 5137 : Wholesale of coffee/tea/cocoa/spices
- 5138 : Wholesale of other food inc. fish etc
<p>This class also includes:<br>- wholesale of potato products<br>- wholesale of food for pet animals</p>
- 5139 : Non-specialised wholesale of food etc
- 5141 : Wholesale of textiles
<p>This class includes:<br>- wholesale of yarn<br>- wholesale of fabrics<br>- wholesale of household linen, etc.<br>- wholesale of haberdashery: needles, sewing thread, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- wholesale of textile fibres cf. 51.56<br></p>
- 5142 : Wholesale of clothing and footwear
- 5143 : Wholesale of electrical household goods
- 5144 : Wholesale of china and glassware etc
- 5145 : Wholesale of perfume and cosmetics
- 5146 : Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods
<p>This class also includes:<br>- wholesale of instruments and devices for doctors and hospitals<br>- wholesale of orthopaedic goods<br></p>
- 5147 : Wholesale of other household goods
- 5151 : Wholesale of solid/liquid/gaseous fuels
- 5152 : Wholesale of metals and metal ores
<p>This class includes:<br>- wholesale of ferrous and non-ferrous metal ores<br>- wholesale of ferrous and non-ferrous metals in primary forms<br>- wholesale of gold and other precious metals</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- wholesale of waste and scrap cf. 51.57<br></p>
- 5153 : Wholesale: wood, construction materials
<p>This class includes:<br>- wholesale of paint and varnish<br>- wholesale of wood in the rough<br>- wholesale of products of primary processing of wood<br>- wholesale of construction materials:<br>. sand, gravel<br>- wholesale of flat glass<br>- wholesale of sanitary equipment:<br>. baths, washbasins, toilets and other sanitary porcelain<br></p>
- 5154 : Wholesale: hardware, plumbing etc
<p>This class also includes:<br>- wholesale of sanitary installation equipment:<br>. tubes, pipes, fittings, taps, t-pieces, connections, rubber pipes, etc.<br>- wholesale of tools such as hammers, saws, screwdrivers and other hand tools<br></p>
- 5155 : Wholesale of chemical products
<p>This class includes:<br>- wholesale of industrial chemicals:<br>. aniline, printing ink, essential oils, industrial gases, chemical glues, colouring matter, synthetic resin, methanol, paraffin, scents and flavourings, soda, industrial salt, acids and sulphur, starch derivates, etc.<br>- wholesale of fertilizers and agro-chemical products<br>- wholesale of plastic materials in primary forms<br>- wholesale of rubber<br></p>
- 5156 : Wholesale of other intermediate products
P>This class also includes:<br>- wholesale of textile fibres, etc.<br>- wholesale of paper in bulk<br></p>
- 5157 : Wholesale of waste and scrap
<p>This class includes:<br>- wholesale of metal and non-metal waste and scrap and materials for recycling<br></p>
- 5161 : Wholesale of machine tools
<p>This class also includes: <br>- wholesale of computer controlled machine tools<br></p>
- 5162 : Wholesale of construction machinery
- 5163 : Wholesale: textile industry machinery
<p>This class also includes:<br>- wholesale of computer controlled machinery for the textile industry and of computer controlled sewing and knitting machines</p>
- 5164 : Wholesale: office machinery and equip.
<p>This class includes:<br>- wholesale of computers and peripheral equipment<br>- wholesale of other office machinery and equipment such as typewriters, adding machines, etc.<br>- wholesale of office furniture<br></p>
- 5165 : Wholesale: other industry machinery etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- wholesale of transport equipment except motor vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles<br>- wholesale of production line robots<br>- wholesale of wires and switches and other installation equipment for industrial use<br>- wholesale of other electrical material such as electrical motors and transformers as well as electronic components<br>- wholesale of other machinery not elsewhere classified for use in industry, trade and navigation and other services</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- wholesale of measuring instruments and equipment</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- wholesale of motor vehicles, trailers and caravans cf. 50.10<br>- wholesale of motor vehicle parts cf. 50.30<br>- wholesale of motorcycles cf. 50.40<br>- wholesale of bicycles cf. 51.47/9<br><br></p>
- 5166 : Wholesale of agricultural machinery etc
<p>This class also includes:<br>- wholesale of lawn mowers however operated<br><br></p>
- 5170 : Other wholesale
<p>This class includes:<br>- specialised wholesale not covered in one of the previous categories<br>- wholesale of a variety of goods without any particular specialisation<br></p>
- 5211 : Retail: non-specialised food stores etc
- 5212 : Other retail: non-specialised stores
<p>This class includes:<br>- retail sale of a large variety of goods of which food products, beverages or tobacco should not be predominant<br>- activities of department stores carrying a general line of merchandise including wearing apparel, furniture, appliances, hardware, cosmetics, jewellery, toys, sporting goods, etc.<br></p>
- 5221 : Retail sale of fruit and vegetables
- 5222 : Retail sale of meat and meat products
<p>This class also includes:<br>- retail sale of poultry and game<br></p>
- 5223 : Retail sale of fish/crustaceans/molluscs
- 5224 : Retail sale of bread, cakes etc
- 5225 : Retail sale of alcoholic/other beverages
- 5226 : Retail sale of tobacco products
- 5227 : Other retail sale of food/beverages etc
<p>This class also includes:<br>- retail sale of dairy produce, eggs and edible oils and fats</p>
- 5231 : Dispensing chemists
- 5232 : Retail sale of medical/orthopaedic goods
- 5233 : Retail sale of cosmetic/toilet articles
- 5241 : Retail sale of textiles
<p>This class includes:<br>- retail sale of fabrics<br>- retail sale of knitting yarn<br>- retail sale of basic materials for rug, tapestry or embroidery making<br>- retail sale of household textiles such as sheets, table-cloths, towels<br>- retail sale of haberdashery: needles, sewing thread, etc.<br></p>
- 5242 : Retail sale of clothing
- 5243 : Retail sale of footwear/leather goods
- 5244 : Retail sale of furniture etc nec
<p>This class includes:<br>- retail sale of:<br>. furniture<br>. articles for lighting<br>. non-electrical household appliances<br>. household utensils and cutlery, crockery, glassware, china and pottery<br>. curtains, net curtains and other household furnishing articles of textile materials<br>. wood, cork goods and wickerwork goods<br>. household articles and equipment not elsewhere classified</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- retail sale of cork floor tiles cf. 52.48/1<br>- retail sale of antiques cf. 52.50<br></p>
- 5245 : Retail sale: electrical household goods
<p>This class includes:<br>- retail sale of:<br>. household appliances<br>. radio and television goods and other household audio/visual equipment<br>. musical records and audio/visual tapes, CD's and cassettes<br>. musical instruments and scores</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- renting of tapes and records cf. <A href=explainsectionk.asp#71404>71.40/4</A><br>- renting of video tapes cf. <A href=explainsectionk.asp#71405>71.40/5</A><br><br></p>
- 5246 : Retail sale of hardware/paints/glass
<p>This class includes:<br>- retail sale of:<br>. do-it-yourself material and equipment<br>. lawn mowers however operated<br>. hardware<br>. paints, varnishes and lacquers<br>. flat glass<br>. other building material such as bricks, wood, sanitary equipment<br></p>
- 5247 : Retail sale of books/newspapers etc
<p>This class also includes:<br>- retail sale of office supplies such as pens, pencils, paper, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- retail sale of second hand or antique books cf. 52.50<br><br></p>
- 5248 : Other retail sale: specialised stores
- 5250 : Retail sale: second-hand goods in stores
<p>This class includes:<br>- retail sale of second-hand books<br>- retail sale of other second-hand goods<br>- retail sale of antiques</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- retail sale of second-hand motor vehicles cf. 50.10/2<br></p>
- 5261 : Retail sale via mail order houses
<p>This class includes:<br>- retail sale of any kind of product by mail order. Goods are sent to the buyer, who made his choice on the basis of advertisements, catalogues, models or any other means of advertising</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- direct sale via television, radio and telephone<br></p>
- 5262 : Retail sale via stalls and markets
<p>This class includes:<br>- retail sale of any kind of product in a usually movable stall either along a public road or on a fixed market place<br></p>
- 5263 : Other non-store retail sale
<p>This class includes:<br>- retail sale of any kind of product in any way which is not included in previous classes:<br>. by door-to-door sales persons<br>. by vending machines, etc.<br>. by mobile sellers<br><br></p>
- 5271 : Repair of boots/shoes etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- repair of boots, shoes, luggage and the like of other materials<br></p>
- 5272 : Repair of electrical household goods
- 5273 : Repair of watches, clocks and jewellery
- 5274 : Repair nec
<p>This class includes: <br>- repair of bicycles<br>- repair and alteration of clothing</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- repair of wearing apparel when done in connection with cleaning cf. 93.01<br></p>
- 5511 : Hotels and motels, with restaurant
- 5512 : Hotels and motels, without restaurant
- 5521 : Youth hostels and mountain refuges
- 5522 : Camping sites, including caravan sites
- 5523 : Other provision of lodgings nec
- 5530 : Restaurants
- 5540 : Bars
- 5551 : Canteens
<p>This class includes:<br>- sale of meals and drinks, usually at reduced prices to groups of clearly defined persons who are mostly linked by ties of a professional nature:<br>. activities of sport, factory or office canteens<br>. activities of school canteens and kitchens<br>. activities of university dining halls<br>. activities of messes and canteens for members of the armed forces, etc.</p>
- 5552 : Catering
P>This class includes<br>- activities of contractors supplying meals prepared in a central food preparation unit for consumption on other premises such as the supply of prepared meals to:<br>. airlines<br>. meals on wheels<br>. banquets, corporate hospitality<br>. weddings, parties and other celebrations or functions<br></p>
- 6010 : Transport via railways
- 6021 : Other scheduled passenger land transport
- 6022 : Taxi operation
<p>This class also includes:<br>- other rental of private cars with operator<br></p> <p>. banquets, corporate hospitality<br>. weddings, parties and other celebrations or functions<br></p>
- 6023 : Other passenger land transport
- 6024 : Freight transport by road
- 6030 : Transport via pipelines
<p>This class includes:<br>- transport of gases, liquids, slurry and other commodities via pipelines<br>- operation of pump stations </p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- distribution of natural or manufactured gas, water or steam cf. 40.20, 40.30, 41.00<br><br></p>
- 6110 : Sea and coastal water transport
- 6120 : Inland water transport
- 6210 : Scheduled air transport
- 6220 : Non-scheduled air transport
- 6230 : Space transport
<p>This class includes:<br>- launching of satellites and space vehicles<br>- space transport of physical goods and passengers<br><br></p>
- 6311 : Cargo handling
<p>This class includes:<br>- loading and unloading of goods or passengers' luggage irrespective of the mode of transport used for transportation<br>- stevedoring</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- operation of terminal facilities cf. 63.2<br><br></p>
- 6312 : Storage and warehousing
<p>This class includes:<br>- operation of storage and warehouse facilities for all kinds of goods:<br>. operation of grain silos, general merchandise warehouses, refrigerated warehouses, storage tanks, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- parking facilities for motor vehicles cf. 63.21<br></p>
- 6321 : Other supporting land transport activ.
<p>This class includes:<br>- activities related to land transport of passengers, animals or freight:<br>. operation of terminal facilities such as railway stations, bus stations, stations for the handling of goods<br>. operation of roads, bridges, tunnels, parking lots or garages, bicycle parkings<br>. winter storage of caravans<br></p> <p>- parking facilities for motor vehicles cf. 63.21<br></p>
- 6322 : Other supporting water transport activ.
<p>This class includes:<br>- activities related to water transport of passengers, animals or freight:<br>. operation of terminal facilities such as harbours and piers<br>. operation of waterway locks, etc.<br>. navigation, pilotage and berthing activities<br>. lighterage, salvage activities<br>. lighthouse activities<br></p>
- 6323 : Other supporting air transport activ.
<p>This class includes:<br>- activities related to air transport of passengers, animals or freight:<br>. operation of terminal facilities such as airway terminals, etc.<br>. airport and air traffic control activities<br>. ground service activities on airfields, etc.<br>. activities of flying schools for commercial airline pilots</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- operation of flying schools except for professional certificates cf. 80.41<br></p>
- 6330 : Activities of travel agencies etc nec
- 6340 : Activities of other transport agencies
<p>This class includes:<br>- forwarding of freight<br>- arranging or carrying out of transport operations by road, sea or air<br>- receipt of group and individual consignments (including pick-up of goods and grouping of consignments)<br>- issue and procurement of transport documents and way-bills<br>- organisation of group consignments by road, rail, air or sea (including collection and distribution of goods)<br>- activities of customs agents<br>- activities of sea freight forwarders and air cargo agents<br>- goods handling operations, e.g. temporary crating for the sole purpose of protecting the goods during transit, uncrating, sampling, weighing of goods</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- courier activities cf. 64.12<br>- activities related to the arrangement of freight insurance cf. 67.20<br><br></p>
- 6411 : National post activities
<p>This class includes:<br>- pick-up, transport and delivery (domestic or international) of mail and parcels<br>- collection of mail and parcels from public letter boxes or from post offices<br>- distribution and delivery of mail and parcels<br>- mailbox rental, poste restante, etc.<br></p>
- 6412 : Courier activities
<p>This class includes:<br>- pick-up, transport and delivery of letters and mail-type parcels and packages by firms other than national post. Either only one kind of transport or more than one mode of transport may be involved and the activity may be carried out with either self-owned (private) transport media or via public transport<br></p>
- 6420 : Telecommunications
<p>This class includes transmission of sound, images, data or other information via cables, broadcasting, relay or satellite:<br>- telephone, telegraph and telex communication<br>- maintenance of the network<br>- transmission (transport) of radio and television programmes</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- telephone answering activities cf. 74.83<br>- production of radio and television programmes even if in connection with broadcasting cf. 92.20<br></p>
- 6511 : Central banking
<p>This class includes:<br>- monetary intermediation of the Bank of England<br></p>
- 6512 : Other monetary intermediation
- 6521 : Financial leasing
<p>This class includes:<br>- leasing where the term approximately covers the expected life of the asset and the lessee acquires substantially all the benefits of its use and takes all the risks associated with its ownership, and the lessee's rental payments virtually cover the whole of the purchase price of the asset. The asset may or may not eventually be transferred</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- operating leasing cf. 71 according to type of goods leased<br></p>
- 6522 : Other credit granting
- 6523 : Other financial intermediation nec
P>This class includes:<br>- other financial intermediation primarily concerned with distributing funds other than by making loans<br></p>
- 6601 : Life insurance
<p>This class includes:<br>- life insurance and life reinsurance, with or without a substantial savings element, including life insurance undertaken by corporate and quasi-corporate insurers such as Lloyd's underwriting syndicates<br></p> <p></p>
- 6602 : Pension funding
<p>This class includes:<br>- the provision of retirement incomes</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- non-contributory schemes where the funding is largely derived from public sources cf. 75.12<br>- compulsory social security schemes cf. 75.30<br></p> <p></p>
- 6603 : Non-life insurance
<p>This class includes:<br>- insurance and reinsurance of non-life business, including non-life insurance undertaken by corporate insurers and quasi-corporate insurers such as Lloyd's underwriting syndicates:<br>. accident, fire<br>. health<br>. property<br>. motor, marine, aviation, transport<br>. pecuniary loss and liability insurance<br><br></p> <p></p>
- 6711 : Administration of financial markets
<p>This class includes:<br>- operation and supervision of financial markets other than by public authorities:<br>. activities of stock exchanges<br>. activities of other bodies that regulate or supervise the financial markets, including exchanges for commodity future contracts<br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 6712 : Security broking and fund management
- 6713 : Activ. auxil. to fin. intermediation nec
<p>This class includes:<br>- activities auxiliary to financial intermediation not elsewhere classified:<br>. mortgage brokers<br>. bureaux de change, etc.<br><br></p> <p> </p> <p></p>
- 6720 : Activ. auxil. to insur./pension funding
<p>This class includes:<br>- activities involved in or closely related to insurance and pension funding other than financial intermediation:<br>. activities of insurance agents<br>. activities of insurance brokers<br>. activities of insurance risk and damage evaluators<br>. activities of Lloyd's underwriting brokers; and of managing and underwriting agents of Lloyd's syndicates<br></p>
- 7011 : Development and selling of real estate
<p>This class includes:<br>- development of real estate projects:<br>. bringing together financial, technical and physical means to realise real estate projects for later sale, whether for residential buildings or other real estate </p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- development and construction work of real estate projects by construction units cf. 45.2<br></p>
- 7012 : Buying and selling of own real estate
<p>This class includes:<br>- buying and selling of self owned real estate:<br>. apartment buildings and dwellings<br>. non-residential buildings<br>. land<br></p>
- 7020 : Letting of own property
- 7031 : Real estate agencies
<p>This class includes:<br>- intermediation in buying, selling, renting and appraising real estate<br></p>
- 7032 : Management of real estate
P>This class also includes:<br>- rent collecting agencies<br></p>
- 7110 : Renting of automobiles
<p>This class includes:<br>- renting and operating leasing of self-drive private cars and light vans up to 3.5 tonnes</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- financial leasing cf. 65.21<br></p>
- 7121 : Renting: other land transport equipment
- 7122 : Renting of water transport equipment
- 7123 : Renting of air transport equipment
- 7131 : Renting of agricultural machinery
<p>This class includes:<br>- renting and operating leasing of agricultural and forestry machinery and equipment without operator:<br>. renting of products produced by Group 29.3, such as agricultural tractors, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- renting of this machinery or equipment with operator cf. 01.41<br>- financial leasing cf. 65.21<br><br></p>
- 7132 : Renting of construction equipment
<p>This class includes:<br>- renting and operating leasing of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment without operator<br>- renting of scaffolds and work platforms without erection and dismantling</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- renting of this machinery or equipment with operator cf. 45.50<br>- financial leasing cf. 65.21<br></p>
- 7133 : Renting of office machinery and equip.
<p>This class includes:<br>- renting and operating leasing of office machinery and equipment including computers, without operator:<br>. computing machinery and equipment<br>. duplicating machines, typewriters and word processing machines<br>. accounting machinery and equipment</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- financial leasing cf. 65.21<br></p>
- 7134 : Renting: other machinery and equip. nec
<p>This class includes:<br>- renting and operating leasing of other machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified, without operator:<br>. engines and turbines, machine tools<br>. mining and oil field equipment<br>. professional radio, television and communication equipment<br>. measuring and controlling equipment<br>. other scientific, commercial and industrial machinery</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- financial leasing cf. 65.21<br>- renting of agricultural machinery and equipment cf. 71.31<br>- renting of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment cf. 71.32<br>- renting of office machinery and equipment including computers cf. 71.33<br></p>
- 7140 : Renting: personal/household goods nec
- 7210 : Hardware consultancy
<p>This class includes:<br>- consultancy on type and configuration of hardware and associated software application:<br>. analysing the users' needs and problems and presenting the best solution</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- hardware consultancy carried out by computer producing or selling units cf. 30.02, 51.64, 52.48/2<br></p>
- 7220 : Software consultancy and supply
<p>This class includes:<br>- analysis, design and programming of systems ready to use:<br>. analysis of the user's needs and problems, consultancy on the best solution <br>. development, production, supply and documentation of order-make software based on orders from specific users<br>. development, production, supply and documentation of ready-made (non-customised) software<br>. writing of programs following directives of the user</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- reproduction of non-customised software cf. 22.33<br>- software consultancy related to hardware consultancy cf. 72.10<br></p>
- 7230 : Data processing
<p>This class includes:<br>- processing of data employing either the customer's or a proprietary program:<br>. complete processing of data<br>. data entry services<br>- management and operation on a continuing basis of data processing facilities belonging to others<br></p>
- 7240 : Data base activities
<p>This class includes data base related activities:<br>- data base development: assembly of data from one or more sources<br>- data storage: preparation of a computer record for such information in a predetermined format<br>- data base availability: provision of data in a certain order or sequence, by on-line data retrieval or accessibility (computerised management) to everybody or to limited users, sorted on demand<br><br></p>
- 7250 : Maintenance/repair: office machinery etc
- 7260 : Other computer related activities
- 7310 : Research: natural sciences/engineering
<p> 73.10 Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering</p> <p>This class includes:<br>- systematic studies and creative efforts in the three types of research and development defined above, in natural sciences (mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, life sciences, medical sciences, earth sciences, agriculture, etc.). They are intended to increase the stock of knowledge and to improve the use of this stock of knowledge<br><br></p> <p>
- 7320 : Research: social sciences/humanities
<p>This class includes:<br>- systematic studies and creative efforts in the three types of research and development defined above, in social sciences and humanities (economics, psychology, sociology, legal sciences, linguistics and languages, arts, etc.). They are intended to increase the stock of knowledge and to improve the use of this stock of knowledge</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- market research cf. 74.13<br><br> </p>
- 7411 : Legal activities
- 7412 : Accounting/book-keeping activities etc
- 7413 : Market research/public opinion polling
<p>This class includes:<br>- investigation into market potential, acceptance and familiarity of products and buying habits of consumers for the purpose of sales promotion and development of new products including statistical analyses of the results<br>- investigation into collective opinions of the public about political, economic and social issues and statistical analysis thereof<br></p> <p><br> </p>
- 7414 : Business/management consultancy activ.
- 7415 : Management activities: holding companies
<p>This class excludes:<br>- financial holding companies cf. 65.23/4 and 65.23/9<br> </p>
- 7420 : Architectural/engineering activities
- 7430 : Technical testing and analysis
<p>This class includes:<br>- measuring related to cleanness of water or air, measuring of radioactivity and the like; analysis of potential pollution such as smoke or waste water<br>- testing activities in the field of food hygiene<br>- strength and failure testing<br>- testing of calculations for building elements<br>- certification of ships, aircraft, motor vehicles, pressurised containers, nuclear plant, etc.<br>- periodic road safety testing of motor vehicles<br></p>
- 7440 : Advertising
- 7450 : Labour recruitment etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- personnel search, selection referral and placement in connection with employment supplied to the potential employer or to the prospective employee:<br>. formulation of job descriptions<br>. screening and testing of applicants<br>. investigation of references, etc.<br>- executive search and placement activities (headhunters)<br>- labour contracting activities:<br>. supply to others, chiefly on a temporary basis, of personnel hired by, and whose emoluments are paid by, the agency</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- activities of farm labour contractors cf. 01.4<br>- activities of personal theatrical or artistic agents cf. 74.84/9<br>- motion picture, television and other theatrical casting activities cf. 92.72<br></p>
- 7460 : Investigation and security activities
- 7470 : Industrial cleaning
- 7481 : Photographic activities
- 7482 : Packaging activities
<p>This class includes:<br>- packaging activities, whether or not this involves an automated process:<br>. filling of aerosols<br>. bottling of liquids, including beverages and food<br>. packaging of solids (blister packaging, foil covered, etc.)<br>. labelling, stamping and imprinting<br>. parcel packing and gift wrapping</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- packing activities incidental to transport cf. 63.40<br></p>
- 7483 : Secretarial and translation activities
<p>This class includes:<br>- stenographic and mailing activities:<br>. typing<br>. other secretarial activities such as transcribing from tapes, discs, etc.<br>. copying, blue printing, multigraphing and similar activities<br>- envelope addressing, stuffing, sealing and mailing, mailing list compilation, etc., including for advertising material<br>- translation and interpretation</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- proof-reading</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- database activities cf. 72.40<br>- bookkeeping activities cf. 74.12/2<br></p>
- 7484 : Other business activities nec
- 7511 : General public service activities
<p>This class includes:<br>- executive and legislative administration of central, regional and local bodies<br>- administration and supervision of fiscal affairs:<br>. operation of taxation schemes<br>. duty/tax collection on goods and tax violation investigation <br>. customs administration<br>- budget implementation and management of public funds and public debt:<br>. raising and receiving of moneys and control of their disbursement<br>- administration and operation of overall economic and social planning and statistical and sociological services at the various levels of government<br></p>
- 7512 : Regulation: education agencies etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- public administration of programmes aimed to increase personal well-being: health, education, culture, sport, recreation, environment, housing, social services, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- compulsory social security activities cf. 75.30<br>- education activities cf. 80<br>- human health related activities cf. 85.1<br>- sewage and refuse disposal and sanitation cf. 90.00<br>- activities of libraries, public archives, museums and other cultural institutions cf. 92.5<br>- sporting or other recreational activities cf. 92.6, 92.7<br></p>
- 7513 : Regulation: more efficient business
<p>This class includes:<br>- public administration and regulation of different economic sectors: agriculture, land use, energy and mining resources, infrastructure, transport, communication, hotels and tourism <br>- administration of general labour affairs <br>- implementation of regional development policy<br></p>
- 7514 : Supporting service activities
<p>This class includes:<br>- general personnel and other general service activities:<br>. administration and operation of general personnel services, whether or not connected with a specific function<br>. development and implementation of general personnel policies and procedures covering selection and promotion, rating methods, job description, evaluation and classification, administration of civil service regulations, etc.<br>- administration, operation and support of overall general services:<br>. centralised supply and purchasing services<br>. maintenance and storage of government records and archives<br>. operation of government owned or occupied buildings<br>. operation of central offices and other general services not connected with a specific function</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- activities of historical archives cf. 92.51<br></p>
- 7521 : Foreign affairs
<p>This class includes:<br>- administration and operation of the ministry of foreign affairs and diplomatic and consular missions stationed abroad or at offices of international organisations<br>- administration, operation and support for information and cultural services intended for distribution beyond national boundaries<br>- aid to foreign countries whether or not routed through international organisations<br>- provision of military aid to foreign countries<br>- management of foreign trade, international financial and foreign technical affairs<br>- international assistance, e.g. refugee or hunger relief programmes<br></p>
- 7522 : Defence activities
<p>This class includes:<br>- administration, supervision and operation of military defence affairs and land, sea, air and space defence force such as:<br>. combat forces of army, navy and air force<br>. engineering, transport, communications, intelligence, material, personnel and other non-combat forces and commands<br>. reserve and auxiliary forces<br>. provision of equipment, structures, supplies, etc.<br>. health activities for military personnel in the field<br>- administration, operation and support of civil defence forces<br>- support for the working out of contingency plans and the carrying out of exercises in which civilian institutions and populations are involved</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- provision of military aid to foreign countries cf. 75.21<br>- activities of military tribunals cf. 75.23<br>- provision of supplies for domestic emergency use in case of peace-time disasters cf. 75.24<br>- educational activities of military schools, colleges and academies cf. 80<br>- activities of military hospitals cf. 85.11<br></p>
- 7523 : Justice and judicial activities
<p>This class includes:<br>- administration and operation of administrative civil and criminal law courts, military tribunals and the judicial system<br>- prison administration and provision of correctional services </p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- rehabilitation services</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- advice and representation in civil, criminal and other cases cf. 74.11<br>- activities of prison schools cf. 80<br>- activities of prison hospitals cf. 85.11<br></p>
- 7524 : Public security/law/order activities
<p>This class includes:<br>- administration and operation of regular and auxiliary police forces supported by public authorities and of port, border, coast guards and other special police forces including traffic regulation, alien registration, operation of police laboratories and maintenance of arrest records<br>- provision of supplies for domestic emergency use in case of peace-time disasters</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- administration and operation of military armed forces cf. 75.22<br></p>
- 7525 : Fire service activities
<p>This class includes:<br>- fire-fighting and fire-prevention:<br>. administration and operation of regular and auxiliary fire brigades supported by public authorities in fire prevention, fire fighting, rescue of persons and animals, assistance in civic disasters, floods, road accidents, etc.</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- marine fireboat services</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- forestry fire protection services cf. 02.02<br>- private firefighting and fire prevention services in factories cf. Section D<br>- firefighting and fire prevention services at airports cf. 63.23<br>- firefighting and fire prevention services at defence establishments cf. 75.22<br></p>
- 7530 : Compulsory social security activities
<p>This class includes:<br>- administration of compulsory social security:<br>. sickness, work-accident and unemployment insurance <br>. retirement pensions</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- non-compulsory social security cf. 66.0<br>- provision of welfare services and social work cf. 85.3<br><br></p>
- 8010 : Primary education
<p>This class includes:<br>- pre-primary education (education preceding the first level)<br>- primary education (education at the first level)</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- provision of literacy programmes for adults cf. 80.42/9<br>- child day-care activities cf. 85.32<br><br></p>
- 8021 : General secondary education
<p>This class includes:<br>- general school education in the first stage of the secondary level corresponding more or less to the period of compulsory school attendance<br>- general school education in the second stage of the secondary level giving in principle access to higher education</p> <p>Subject specialisation at this level often begins to have some influence even on the educational experience of those pursuing a general programme. Such programmes are designed to qualify students either for technical and vocational education or for higher education entrance without any special subject pre-requisite.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- adult education as defined in class 80.42<br><br></p>
- 8022 : Technical/vocational secondary education
<p>This class includes:<br>- technical and vocational education (mainly that usually referred to as further education in the UK) below the level of higher education as defined in Class 80.30.</p> <p>Typically, the programmes emphasise a subject-matter specialisation and instruction of both theoretical background and practical skills generally associated with present or prospective employment. The aim of a programme can vary from preparation for a general field of employment to a very specific job.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- technical and vocational education at post-secondary and university levels cf. 80.30<br></p>
- 8030 : Higher education
<p>A great variety of subject-matter programmes is offered at this level, some emphasising more theoretical instruction and some more practical instruction.<br></p>
- 8041 : Driving school activities
<p>This class also includes:<br>- tuition for flying certificates and ship licences other than for commercial certificates and permits<br></p>
- 8042 : Adult and other education nec
- 8511 : Hospital activities
- 8512 : Medical practice activities
<p>This class includes:<br>- medical consultation and treatment in the field of general and specialised medicine by general practitioners and medical specialists and surgeons</p> <p>The activities can be carried out in private practice, group practices and in hospital out-patient clinics.</p> <p>Included are private consultants' activities in hospitals as well as activities carried-out in clinics such as those attached to firms, schools, homes for the aged, labour organisations and fraternal organisations as well as in patients' homes. Patients are usually ambulatory and can be referred to specialists by general practitioners.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- para-medical activities such as those of midwives, nurses and physiotherapists cf. 85.14<br></p>
- 8513 : Dental practice activities
<p>This class includes:<br>- dental practice activities of a general or specialised nature <br>- orthodontic activities</p> <p>They can be carried out in private practice or in out-patient clinics including clinics attached to firms, schools, etc., as well as in operating rooms.</p> <p>This class excludes<br>- production of artificial teeth, denture and prostatic appliances by dental technicians who do not fit them cf. 33.10<br><br></p>
- 8514 : Other human health activities
<p>This class includes:<br>- activities for human health not performed by hospitals or by medical doctors but by para-medical practitioners legally recognized to treat patients</p> <p>This class may include activities of nurses, midwives, physiotherapists or others in the field of optometry, hydrotherapy, medical massage, occupational therapy, speech therapy, chiropody, homoepathy, chiropractice, acupuncture, etc.</p> <p>These activities may be carried out in health clinics such as those attached to firms, schools, homes for the aged, labour organisations and fraternal organisations, in residential health facilities other than hospitals, as well as in own consulting rooms, patients' homes or elsewhere.</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- activities of dental para-medical personnel such as dental therapists, school dental nurses and dental hygienists<br>- activities of medical laboratories<br>- activities of blood banks, sperm banks, transplant organ banks<br>- ambulance transport of patients</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- production of artificial teeth, denture and prostatic appliances by dental technicians who do not fit them cf. 33.10<br>- testing activities in the field of food hygiene cf. 74.30<br></p>
- 8520 : Veterinary activities
<p>This class includes:<br>- animal health care and control activities for farm animals<br>- animal health care and control activities for pet animals</p> <p>These activities are carried out by qualified veterinarians in veterinary hospitals as well as when visiting farms, kennels or homes, in own consulting and surgery rooms or elsewhere.</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- animal ambulance activities</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- animal boarding activities without health care cf. 01.421<br><br></p>
- 8531 : Social work activities with accom.
- 8532 : Social work activities without accom.
- 9000 : Sewage and refuse disposal etc
- 9111 : Activities: business/employers organis.
<p>This class includes:<br>- activities of organisations whose members' interest centre on the development and prosperity of enterprises in a particular line of business or trade including farming, or on the economic growth and climate of a particular geographical area or political subdivision without regard for line of business. Included are activities of federations of such associations. The main services supplied involve dissemination of information, representation before government agencies, public relations and labour negotiations:<br>. activities of chambers of commerce, guilds and similar organisations<br></p>
- 9112 : Activities of professional organis.
<p>This class includes:<br>- activities of organisations whose members' interests centre chiefly on a particular scholarly discipline or professional practice or technical field. Included are activities of associations of specialists engaged in scientific, academic or cultural activities such as writers, painters, performers of various kinds, journalists, etc. The main services supplied involve the dissemination of information, the establishment and supervision of standards of practice, representation before government agencies and public relations</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- activities of learned societies<br></p>
- 9120 : Activities of trade unions
<p>This class includes:<br>- activities of organisations whose members' interests centre chiefly on a particular scholarly discipline or professional practice or technical field. Included are activities of associations of specialists engaged in scientific, academic or cultural activities such as writers, painters, performers of various kinds, journalists, etc. The main services supplied involve the dissemination of information, the establishment and supervision of standards of practice, representation before government agencies and public relations</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- activities of learned societies<br></p>
- 9131 : Activities of religious organisations
<p>This class includes:<br>- activities of religious or similar organisations<br>- activities of organisations furnishing monastery and convent services</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- education provided by such organisations cf. 80<br>- health activities by such organisations cf. 85.1<br>- social work activities by such organisations cf. 85.3<br></p>
- 9132 : Activities of political organisations
<p>This class includes:<br>- activities of political organisations and auxiliary organisations such as young people's auxiliaries, associated with a political party. These organisations chiefly engage in influencing decision-taking in public governing bodies by placing members of the party or those sympathetic to the party in political office and involve the dissemination of information, public relations, fund raising, etc.<br></p>
- 9133 : Activit: other membership organis. nec
<p>This class includes:<br>- activities of organisations not directly affiliated to a political party furthering a public cause or issue by means of public education, political influence, fund raising, etc.:<br>. citizens initiative or protest movements <br>. environmental and ecological movements<br>. organisations supporting community and educational facilities not elsewhere classified<br>. organisations for the protection and betterment of special groups, e.g. ethnic and minority groups<br>. associations for patriotic purposes including war veterans' associations<br>- special interest groups such as touring clubs and automobile associations and consumer associations<br>- associations for the purpose of social acquaintanceship such as rotary clubs, lodges, etc.<br>- associations of youth, young persons' associations, student associations, clubs and fraternities, etc.<br>- associations for the pursuit of a cultural or recreational activity or hobby (other than sports or games), e.g. poetry, literature and book clubs, historical, gardening, film and photo, music and art, craft and collectors' clubs, social clubs, carnival clubs, etc.<br>- associations for the protection of animals </p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- activities of professional associations cf. 91.12<br>- associations for practising or promoting artistic activities cf. 92.31<br><br></p>
- 9211 : Motion picture and video production
- 9212 : Motion picture and video distribution
<p>This class includes:<br>- distribution of motion pictures and video tapes to other industries but not to the general public. This involves the sale or rental of movies or tapes to other industries, as well as activities allied to the distribution of films and video tapes such as film and tape booking, delivery, storage, etc.<br>- buying and selling of motion picture and video distribution rights</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- film duplicating as well as audio and video tape reproduction from master copies cf. 22.3<br>- retail trade of tapes cf. 52.1, 52.4<br>- renting of tapes to the general public cf. 71.40/5<br><br></p>
- 9213 : Motion picture projection
<p>This class includes:<br>- motion picture or video tape projection in cinemas, in the open air or in other projection facilities</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- activities of cine-clubs<br></p>
- 9220 : Radio and television activities
- 9231 : Artistic and literary creation etc
- 9232 : Operation of arts facilities
<p>This class includes<br>- operation of concert and theatre halls and other arts facilities<br>- operation of ticket agencies including those operated by local tourist information centres<br>- activities of sound recording studios</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- operation of cinemas cf. 92.13<br></p>
- 9233 : Fair and amusement park activities
<p>This class also includes:<br>- operation of theme parks and preserved railways<br></p>
- 9234 : Other entertainment activities nec
- 9240 : News agency activities
<p>This class includes:<br>- news syndicates and news agency activities furnishing news, pictures and features to the media<br>- activities of journalists and press photographers<br></p>
- 9251 : Library and archives activities
<p>This class includes:<br>- activities of libraries of all kinds, reading, listening and viewing rooms, public archives providing service to the general public or to a special clientele, such as students, scientists, staff, members:<br>. organisation of a collection whether specialised or not<br>. making catalogues<br>. lending and storage of books, maps, periodicals, films, records, tapes, works of art, etc.<br>. retrieval activities in order to comply with information requests, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- renting of video tapes cf. 71.40/5</p> <p>- data base activities cf. 72.40<br></p>
- 9252 : Museum activities etc
- 9253 : Botanical and zoological gardens etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- operation of botanical and zoological gardens including children's zoos<br>- operation of nature reserves including wildlife preservation, etc.<br><br></p>
- 9261 : Operation of sports arenas and stadiums
- 9262 : Other sporting activities
- 9271 : Gambling and betting activities
<p>This class also includes:<br>- sale of lottery tickets<br></p>
- 9272 : Other recreational activities nec
<p>This class includes:<br>- activities related to recreation not classified elsewhere in this division:<br>. activities of recreation parks and beaches including renting of facilities such as bath houses, lockers, chairs, etc.<br>. activities related to recreational fishing<br>. recreational transport facilities such as pedalos, riding stables, etc.<br>. training of pet animals<br>. motion picture, television and other theatrical casting activities</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- personal theatrical or artistic agency activities cf. 74.84/9<br>- other entertainment activities, e.g. circus production or activities of dancing schools cf. 92.34<br></p>
- 9301 : Washing/dry cleaning of textile etc
<p>This class includes:<br>- laundering and dry cleaning, pressing, etc., of all kinds of clothing (including fur) and textiles, provided by mechanical equipment, by hand or by self-service coin- operated machines whether for the general public or for industrial or commercial clients<br>- laundry collection and delivery<br>- carpet and rug shampooing and drapery and curtain cleaning<br>- renting of linens, work uniforms and related items by laundries</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- repair and minor alteration of garments or other textile articles when done in connection with cleaning</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- repair and alteration of clothing, etc., as an independent activity cf. 52.74<br>- renting of clothing other than work uniforms, even if cleaning of these goods is an integral part of the activity cf. 71.40/9<br></p>
- 9302 : Hairdressing and other beauty treatment
<p>This class includes:<br>- hair washing, trimming and cutting, setting, dyeing, tinting, waving, straightening and similar activities for men and women as well as shaving and beard trimming<br>- facial massage, manicure and pedicure, make-up, etc.</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- manufacture of wigs cf. 36.63/9<br></p>
- 9303 : Funeral and related activities
<p>This class includes:<br>- burial and incineration of human or animal corpses and related activities:<br>. preparing the dead for burial or cremation and embalming and undertakers' services<br>. providing burial or cremation services<br>. rental of equipped space in funeral parlours<br>. rental or sale of graves</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- religious funeral service activities cf. 91.31<br></p>
- 9304 : Physical well-being activities
<p>This class includes:<br>- activities related to physical well-being and comfort such as delivered by Turkish baths, sauna and steam baths, solariums, spas, reducing and slendering salons, massage salons, fitness centres, etc.<br></p>
- 9305 : Other service activities nec
<p>This class includes:<br>- astrological and spiritualists' activities<br>- social activities such as escort services, dating services, services of marriage bureaux<br>- genealogical organisations<br>- shoe shiners, porters, valet car parkers, etc.<br><br></p>
- 9500 : Private households with employed persons
<p>This class includes:<br>- activities of private households employing domestic personnel such as maids, cooks, waiters, valets, butlers, laundresses, gardeners, gatekeepers, stable-lads, chauffeurs, caretakers, governesses, baby-sitters, tutors, secretaries, etc.<br><br></p>
- 9900 : Extra-territorial organisations
<p>This class includes:<br>- activities of international organisations such as the United Nations and its specialised agencies, regional bodies, etc., European Communities, European Free Trade Association, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Customs Co-operation Council, Organisation of Oil Producing and Exporting Countries, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, etc.</p> <p>This class also includes:<br>- activities of diplomatic and consular missions when being counted by the country of their location rather than being counted by the country they represent</p> <p>This class excludes:<br>- administration and operation of diplomatic and consular missions stationed abroad or at offices of international organisations cf. 75.21<br></p>
- 010 : DEFRA/Scottish Executive Agricultural Data
- 011 : Growing of crops etc
- 012 : Farming of animals
- 013 : Growing of crops and farming of animals
- 014 : Agricultural service activities
- 015 : Hunting/trapping/game propagation
- 020 : Forestry and logging
- 050 : Fishing/operation of fish hatcheries etc
- 101 : Mining and agglomeration of hard coal
- 102 : Mining and agglomeration of lignite
- 103 : Extraction and agglomeration of peat
- 111 : Extraction: crude petroleum/natural gas
- 112 : Service activities: oil & gas extraction
- 120 : Mining of uranium and thorium ores
- 131 : Mining of iron ores
- 132 : Mining of non-ferrous metal ores
- 141 : Quarrying of stone
- 142 : Quarrying of sand and clay
- 143 : Mining of chemical & fertilizer minerals
- 144 : Production of salt
- 145 : Other mining and quarrying nec
- 151 : Production and preserving meat etc
- 152 : Processing/preserving fish etc
- 153 : Processing/preserving of fruit & veg
- 154 : Manufacture of veg/animal oils/fats
- 155 : Manufacture of dairy products
- 156 : Manufacture of grain mill products etc
- 157 : Manufacture of prepared animal feeds
- 158 : Manufacture of other food products
- 159 : Manufacture of beverages
- 160 : Manufacture of tobacco products
- 171 : Preparation/spinning of textile fibres
- 172 : Textile weaving
- 173 : Finishing of textiles
- 174 : Manufacture of made-up textile articles
- 175 : Manufacture of other textiles
- 176 : Manufacture of knitted/crocheted fabrics
- 177 : Manufacture: knitted/crocheted articles
- 181 : Manufacture of leather clothes
- 182 : Manufacture of other wearing apparel etc
- 183 : Dressing and dyeing of fur etc
- 191 : Tanning and dressing of leather
- 192 : Manufacture of luggage, handbags etc
- 193 : Manufacture of footwear
- 201 : Sawmilling and planing of wood etc
- 202 : Manufacture of veneer sheets/plywood etc
- 203 : Manufacture: builders' carpentry/joinery
- 204 : Manufacture of wooden containers
- 205 : Manufacture of other wood products etc
- 211 : Manufacture: pulp, paper and paperboard
- 212 : Manuf: articles of paper/paperboard
- 221 : Publishing
- 222 : Printing etc
- 223 : Reproduction of recorded media
- 231 : Manufacture of coke oven products
- 232 : Manufacture: refined petroleum products
- 233 : Processing of nuclear fuel
- 241 : Manufacture of basic chemicals
- 242 : Manufacture of pesticides etc
- 243 : Manufacture of paints, varnishes etc
- 244 : Manufacture of pharmaceuticals etc
- 245 : Manufacture of soap and detergents etc
- 246 : Manufacture of other chemical products
- 247 : Manufacture of man-made fibres
- 251 : Manufacture of rubber products
- 252 : Manufacture of plastic products
- 261 : Manufacture of glass and glass products
- 262 : Manuf: non-refractory ceramic goods
- 263 : Manufacture of ceramic tiles and flags
- 264 : Manufacture of bricks etc in baked clay
- 265 : Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster
- 266 : Manufacture of articles of concrete etc
- 267 : Cutting, shaping and finishing of stone
- 268 : Manuf: non-metallic mineral products nec
- 271 : Manufacture of basic iron and steel etc
- 272 : Manufacture of tubes
- 273 : Other first processing of iron and steel
- 274 : Manuf: basic precious metals etc
- 275 : Casting of metals
- 281 : Manufacture of structural metal products
- 282 : Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs etc
- 283 : Manufacture of steam generators etc
- 284 : Forging, pressing, stamping etc
- 285 : Treatment and coating of metals etc
- 286 : Manufacture of cutlery, tools etc
- 287 : Manuf: other fabricated metal products
- 291 : Manuf: machin. for prod. of mech. power
- 292 : Manuf: other general purpose machinery
- 293 : Manuf: agricultural/forestry machinery
- 294 : Manufacture of machine tools
- 295 : Manuf: other special purpose machinery
- 296 : Manufacture of weapons and ammunition
- 297 : Manufacture of domestic appliances nec
- 300 : Manufacture: office machinery/computers
- 311 : Manuf: electric motors/generators etc
- 312 : Manuf: electricity distrib. apparatus
- 313 : Manufacture of insulated wire and cable
- 314 : Manufacture of accumulators etc
- 315 : Manufacture of lighting equipment etc
- 316 : Manufacture of electrical equipment nec
- 321 : Manufacture of electronic valves etc
- 322 : Manufacture of TV/radio transmitters etc
- 323 : Manufacture of TV/radio receivers etc
- 331 : Manuf: medical/surgical equipment nec
- 332 : Manuf: instruments for measuring etc
- 333 : Manuf: industrial process control equip.
- 334 : Manufacture of optical instruments etc
- 335 : Manufacture of watches and clocks
- 341 : Manufacture of motor vehicles
- 342 : Manufacture of motor vehicles bodies etc
- 343 : Manufacture of parts for motor vehicles
- 351 : Building and repairing of ships/boats
- 352 : Manufacture: railway/tramway vehicles
- 353 : Manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft
- 354 : Manufacture of motorcycles and bicycles
- 355 : Manufacture of transport equipment nec
- 361 : Manufacture of furniture
- 362 : Manufacture of jewellery etc
- 363 : Manufacture of musical instruments
- 364 : Manufacture of sports goods
- 365 : Manufacture of games and toys
- 366 : Miscellaneous manufacturing nec
- 371 : Recycling of metal waste and scrap
- 372 : Recycling of non-metal waste and scrap
- 401 : Production/distribution of electricity
- 402 : Manufacture/distribution of gas
- 403 : Steam and hot water supply
- 410 : Collection/purification etc of water
- 451 : Site preparation
- 452 : Building of complete constructions etc
- 453 : Building installation
- 454 : Building completion
- 455 : Renting: construction equip. & operator
- 501 : Sale of motor vehicles
- 502 : Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
- 503 : Sale of motor vehicle parts/accessories
- 504 : Sale/maintenance/repair of motorcycles
- 505 : Retail sale of automotive fuel
- 511 : Wholesale on a fee or contract basis
- 512 : Wholesale of agric. raw materials etc
- 513 : Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
- 514 : Wholesale of household goods
- 515 : Wholesale of non-agric. products etc
- 516 : Wholesale of machinery, equipment etc
- 517 : Other wholesale
- 521 : Retail sale in non-specialised stores
- 522 : Retail: food, etc in specialised stores
- 523 : Retail: pharmaceutical goods etc
- 524 : Other: new goods in specialised stores
- 525 : Retail: second-hand goods in stores
- 526 : Retail sale not in stores
- 527 : Repair of personal and household goods
- 551 : Hotels
- 552 : Camping sites etc
- 553 : Restaurants
- 554 : Bars
- 555 : Canteens and catering
- 601 : Transport via railways
- 602 : Other land transport
- 603 : Transport via pipelines
- 611 : Sea and coastal water transport
- 612 : Inland water transport
- 621 : Scheduled air transport
- 622 : Non-scheduled air transport
- 623 : Space transport
- 631 : Cargo handling and storage
- 632 : Other supporting transport activities
- 633 : Activities of travel agencies etc nec
- 634 : Activities of other transport agencies
- 641 : Post and courier activities
- 642 : Telecommunications
- 651 : Monetary intermediation
- 652 : Other financial intermediation
- 660 : Insurance and pension funding
- 671 : Activ. auxil. to finan. intermediation
- 672 : Activ. auxil. to insur./pension funding
- 701 : Real estate activities with own property
- 702 : Letting of own property
- 703 : Real estate activities
- 711 : Renting of automobiles
- 712 : Renting of other transport equipment
- 713 : Renting of other machinery and equipment
- 714 : Renting of personal/household goods nec
- 721 : Hardware consultancy
- 722 : Software consultancy and supply
- 723 : Data processing
- 724 : Data base activities
- 725 : Maintenance/repair:office machinery etc
- 726 : Other computer related activities
- 731 : Research: natural sciences/engineering
- 732 : Research: social sciences/humanities
- 741 : Accounting/book-keeping activities etc
- 742 : Architectural/engineering activities etc
- 743 : Technical testing and analysis
- 744 : Advertising
- 745 : Labour recruitment etc
- 746 : Investigation and security activities
- 747 : Industrial cleaning
- 748 : Miscellaneous business activities nec
- 751 : Administration of the State etc
- 752 : Provision of services etc
- 753 : Compulsory social security activities
- 801 : Primary education
- 802 : Secondary education
- 803 : Higher education
- 804 : Adult and other education
- 851 : Human health activities
- 852 : Veterinary activities
- 853 : Social work activities
- 900 : Sewage and refuse disposal etc
- 911 : Activities: business etc organisations
- 912 : Activities of trade unions
- 913 : Activities: other membership organis.
- 921 : Motion picture and video activities
- 922 : Radio and television activities
- 923 : Other entertainment activities
- 924 : News agency activities
- 925 : Library, archives, museums etc
- 926 : Sporting activities
- 927 : Other recreational activities
- 930 : Other service activities
- 950 : Private households with employed persons
- 990 : Extra-territorial organisations
- 01 : Agriculture, hunting, etc
- 02 : Forestry, logging, etc
- 05 : Fishing, operation fish hatcheries/farms
- 10 : Mining coal/lignite; extraction of peat
- 11 : Extraction crude petroleum/natural gas
- 12 : Mining of uranium and thorium ores
- 13 : Mining of metal ores
- 14 : Other mining and quarrying
- 15 : Manuf food products and beverages
- 16 : Manuf tobacco products
- 17 : Manuf textiles
- 18 : Manuf apparel;dressing/dyeing fur
- 19 : Tanning/dressing of leather, etc
- 20 : Manuf wood/products/cork, etc
- 21 : Manuf pulp, paper and paper products
- 22 : Publishing,printing,repro recorded media
- 23 : Manuf coke, refined petroleum products
- 24 : Manuf chemicals and chemical products
- 25 : Manuf rubber and plastic goods
- 26 : Manuf other non-metallic products
- 27 : Manuf basic metals
- 28 : Manuf fabricated metal products, etc
- 29 : Manuf machinery and equipment nec
- 30 : Manuf office machinery and computers
- 31 : Manuf electrical machinery/apparatus nec
- 32 : Manuf radio, tv/communications equipment
- 33 : Manuf medical,precision instruments,etc
- 34 : Manuf motor vehicles,trailers,etc
- 35 : Manuf other transport equipment
- 36 : Manuf furniture; manufacturing nec
- 37 : Recycling
- 40 : Electricity,gas,steam/hot water supply
- 41 : Collection,purification/distri of water
- 45 : Construction
- 50 : Sale,maintenance/repair motor vehicles
- 51 : Wholesale trade/commission trade, etc
- 52 : Retail trade, except of motor vehicles
- 55 : Hotels and restaurants
- 60 : Land transport; transport via pipelines
- 61 : Water transport
- 62 : Air transport
- 63 : Supporting/auxilliary transport,etc
- 64 : Post and telecommunications
- 65 : Financial intermediation, etc
- 66 : Insurance and pension funding, etc
- 67 : Act auxilliary financial intermediation
- 70 : Real estate activities
- 71 : Renting machinery/equipment, etc
- 72 : Computing and related activities
- 73 : Research and development
- 74 : Other business activities
- 75 : Public admin/defence; compulsory SS
- 80 : Education
- 85 : Health and social work
- 90 : Sewage/refuse disposal, sanitation, etc
- 91 : Activities membership organisations nec
- 92 : Recreational, cultural and sporting
- 93 : Other service activities
- 95 : Private households with employed persons
- 99 : Extra-territorial organisations/bodies
- 1 A : Agriculture, hunting and forestry
- 2 B : Fishing
- 3 C : Mining and quarrying
- 4 D : Manufacturing
- 5 E : Electricity, gas and water supply
- 6 F : Construction
- 7 G : Wholesale/retail trade; repair, etc
- 8 H : Hotels and restaurants
- 9 I : Transport, storage and communication
- 10 J : Financial intermediation
- 11 K : Real estate,renting,business activities
- 12 L : Public admin/defence; social security
- 13 M : Education
- 14 N : Health and social work
- 15 O : Other community, social/personal service
- 16 P : Private households with employees
- 17 Q : Extra-territorial organisations/bodies
- 01 : Agriculture, forestery and fishing (SIC 01,02,05)
- 02 : Mining of energy producing materials (SIC 10-12)
- 03 : Mining of non-energy producing materials (SIC 13,14)
- 04 : Metal manufacture and fabrication (SIC 27,28)
- 05 : Manuf non-metallic mineral products (SIC 26)
- 06 : Processing of energy producing materials (SIC 23)
- 07 : Manuf chemicals and man-made fibres (SIC 24)
- 08 : Manuf machinery and equipment nec (SIC 29)
- 09 : Manuf optical and electrical equipment (SIC 30-33)
- 10 : Manuf transport equipment (SIC 34,35)
- 11 : Manuf food, drink and tobacco (SIC 15,16)
- 12 : Manuf textiles/products,leather/products (SIC 17-19)
- 13 : Manuf pulp,paper/products; printing etc (SIC 21,22)
- 14 : Manuf timber,rubber,plastic & other (SIC 20,25,36,27)
- 15 : Electricity, gas and water supply (SIC 40,41)
- 16 : Construction (SIC 45)
- 17 : Wholesale/retail distribution; repair (SIC 50-52)
- 18 : Hotels and catering (SIC 55)
- 19 : Transport storage and communications (SIC 60-64)
- 20 : Financial and business services (SIC 65-74)
- 21 : Public services,admin and defence (SIC 75,80)
- 22 : Health and social work (SIC 85)
- 23 : Other service activities (SIC 90-99)
- 1 : Agriculture and fishing (SIC A,B)
- 2 : Energy and water (SIC C,E)
- 3 : Manufacturing (SIC D)
- 4 : Construction (SIC F)
- 5 : Distribution, hotels and restaurants (SIC G,H)
- 6 : Transport and communications (SIC I)
- 7 : Banking, finance and insurance, etc (SIC J,K)
- 8 : Public administration,education & health (SIC L,M,N)
- 9 : Other services (SIC O,P,Q)
Release calendar
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