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England and Wales





Limiting long-term illness,Hours worked,Economic Activity,Employee,Economically Inactive,Self-employed,Retired,Permanently sick/disabled,Unemployed

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This dataset provides 2001 Census estimates that classify usual residents aged 16 to 74 in England and Wales by economic activity and hours worked by sex and limiting long-term illness. The estimates are as at census day, 29 April 2001.

For the Census, part-time is defined as working 30 hours or less a week. Full-time is defined as working 31 or more hours a week.

Hours worked is the average number of hours per week worked for the last four weeks before the Census (29 April 2001).

Statistical Disclosure Control

Figures have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data

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About the variables

Economic Activity and Hours Worked (29 categories)

Hours worked is the average number of hours per week worked for the last four weeks before the Census (29 April 2001).


Sex (3 categories)


Long-term illness (3 categories)


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