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England and Wales





Sex,Industry,Distance Travelled,Workplace population

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This dataset provides 2001 Census estimates that classify usual residents aged 16 to 74 in England and Wales in employment in the area by sex and industry by distance travelled to work (workplace population; no ward data). The estimates are as at census day, 29 April 2001.

'Other industry' includes other community, social and personal service activities, private households with employed persons and extra-territorial organisations and bodies.

The industry categorisation is based on the 'UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 1992' (SIC92).

Counts do not include people whose usual residence was outside England and Wales

Statistical Disclosure Control

Figures have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data

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About the variables

Sex (3 categories)


Industry (13 categories)

'Other industry' includes other community, social and personal service activities, private households with employed persons and extra-territorial organisations and bodies.


Distance travelled to work (10 categories)

The distance travelled is a calculation of the straight line between the postcode of place of residence and postcode of workplace


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