The 2011 Census was taken on 27th March 2011. The full data from this census are available in several hundred separate datasets (or tables), covering the whole range of population characteristics and subject areas.

How to find 2011 Census data...

To identify tables by topic, we recommend you start with the table finder. Alternatively browse the full catalogue of tables for each of the key statistics, quick statistics and detailed characteristics series.

Bulk Download Products

Bulk download products are provided in a CSV format designed to be automatically loaded into systems. They are not designed for use in desktop tools such as spreadsheets.

Table Finder

Table finder allows you to identify the table you need (from a list of hundreds) based on the topics you are interested in. You can then view and download data for the table.

Headcounts and Household Estimates for Postcodes in England and Wales

Estimates of usual residents broken down by sex and an estimate of the number of households with one or more usual residents.

Small Population

Small population tables provide census data for some of the key characteristics of people in specific small population groups - for example individuals of an ethnic group, or with a country of birth - in which the small size of the total population in that group means confidentiality constraints limit the release of more detailed standard statistics.

Key Statistics

The Key Statistics series provides summary figures covering the full range of topics from the census. These figures are available from national level down to the very small census output areas.

Quick Statistics

The Quick Statistics series generally provides information about a single census topic. The classifications used are usually the full versions with the most categories so provide the most detailed information available from the census about the topic. Like the Key Statistics, these tables are available from national level down to the very small census output areas.

UK Key Statistics

The Key Statistics series provides summary figures covering the full range of topics from the census. These figures are available from national level down to the very small census output areas.

UK Quick Statistics

The Quick Statistics series generally provides information about a single census topic. The classifications used are usually the full versions with the most categories so provide the most detailed information available from the census about the topic. Like the Key Statistics, these tables are available from national level down to the very small census output areas.

Local Characteristics

The Local Characteristics series cross tabulates two or more topics. Tables in the local characteristics family of tables have a minimum population threshold (size) of 100 persons and 40 households. This means that they can be produced for output areas (OAs) and higher geographies. They provide the most detailed results possible for OAs.

Detailed Characteristics

The Detailed Characteristics series cross tabulates two or more topics. The combination of topics and number of categories provide the most detail possible whilst maintaining the confidentiality of personal information.

The tables in the initial release are generally available from national down to local authority level. In a future update they will be provided down to ward and middle layer super output area (MSOA) level. A small number of tables that use detailed classifications are only published at regional and national level.


Origin-destination data (also known as flow data) will include the travel-to-work and migration patterns of individuals, cross-tabulated by variables of interest (for example occupation). New products for the 2011 Census will also provide the migration patterns of those living at a student address one year ago and provide information on individuals with second residences.

Nomis gives access to publically released tables. Links to safeguarded and secure tables with restricted access that are not available on Nomis can be found using the 2011 Census Origin Destination table finder

Out of term-time population

There is no description available for this.

Non-UK Born Short-term Residents

This series contains new statistics about some of the characteristics of non-UK born short-term residents living in England and Wales.

Workday Population

This series contains part one of new statistics about the characteristics of the workday population of England and Wales.

Workplace Population

This series contains part one of new statistics about the characteristics of the workplace population of England and Wales.
The workplace population is an estimate of the population working in an area. It includes usual residents aged 16 to 74 whose usual place of work is in the area. This population is equivalent to the workplace population used in the 2001 Census. People who work mainly at or from home or do not have a fixed place of work are included in their area of their usual residence. The following population groups are excluded from the workplace population of an area:

  • Those living in England and Wales but working in Scotland, Northern Ireland, outside the UK or on offshore installations,
  • Those with a place of work in England and Wales but who are not usually resident in England and Wales, and
  • Short-term residents

Detailed UK Migration Statistics

The Detailed UK Migration Statistics are a release from the 2011 Census providing information on migration into and within the UK.

Ad-hoc Tables

Ad hoc tables contain combinations of data that are not available in standard publications. They have been requested by the media or other user. Once created, ad hoc tables are published for all to use.